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KJO Korean Journal of Orthodontics

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pISSN 2234-7518
eISSN 2005-372X

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    • Original Article l 2023-05-25

      Comparison of changes in the nasal cavity, pharyngeal airway, and maxillary sinus volumes after expansion and maxillary protraction with two protocols: Rapid palatal expansion versus alternate rapid maxillary expansion and constriction

      Weitao Liu , Shaonan Zhou , Edwin Yen, Bingshuang Zou

      Abstract : Objective: To evaluate and compare a series of volume changes in the nasal cavity (NC), nasopharynx, oropharynx, and maxillary sinuses (MS) in growing Class III patients after either rapid palatal expansion (RPE) or alternate rapid maxillary expansion and constriction (Alt-RAMEC) followed by facemask (FM) therapy, by using conebeam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: Forty growing Class III patients were retrospectively selected and divided into two matched groups: RPE/FM (14 females, 6 males; mean age, 9.66 ± 1.23 years) and Alt-RAMEC/FM groups (14 females, 6 males; mean age, 10.28 ± 1.45 years). The anteroposterior and vertical displacements of Point A, the volumes of the NC, nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, and MS were measured at different time points: pretreatment (T1), postexpansion (T2), and postprotraction (T3). Results: Both groups demonstrated significant maxilla advancement (by 1.3 mm) during expansion, with a statistically significant intergroup difference during protraction (RPE/FM, 1.1 mm; Alt-RAMEC/FM, 2.4 mm; p < 0.05) and throughout the treatment (RPE/FM, 2.4 mm; Alt-RAMEC/FM, 3.7 mm; p < 0.05). NC and nasopharyngeal airway volumes increased significantly in both groups after expansion, protraction, and treatment. The oropharyngeal and MS volumes increased in both groups after protraction and post-treatment. However, no volumetric differences were observed between the two groups. Conclusions: There was no significant difference in airway volume changes, including NC, nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal airway, and MS, between RPE/FM and Alt-RAMEC/FM groups at different time points. Although there was significantly more forward movement after protraction in the Alt-RAMEC/FM group, the difference was deemed too small to be clinically relevant.

    • Original Article l 2023-03-25

      Development and validation of a novel screening instrument to prioritize the orthodontic referral of developing malocclusion in children: The index for interceptive orthodontics referral

      Saraswathy Devi Sinniah , Annapurny Venkiteswaran, Najiyatu Nazihah Zakaria

      Abstract : Objective: The absence of a guideline to refer developing malocclusions appropriately, may be a contributing factor to the inadequacy of timely interceptive orthodontics provision. This study aimed to develop and validate a new orthodontic grading and referral index to be used by dental frontliners to prioritize the orthodontic referral of developing malocclusion in children based on its severity. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving clinical assessment with 413 schoolchildren aged between 8.1 and 11.9 years was conducted in 2018. All the presenting malocclusion was listed and graded based on a few dental guidelines to produce the draft index. The validity and reliability of the draft index were tested using twenty study models. Face and content validation was carried out using the content validation index and Modified Kappa Statistics. Results: Fourteen dental and occlusal anomalies were identified as components of malocclusion and three grades of referral (monitor, standard, urgent) were included in the final index. The scale-level content validity index average value of 0.86 and 0.87 was obtained for content and face validation, respectively. There was moderate to excellent agreement in the Modified Kappa Statistics for both validations. Excellent inter- and intra-assessor agreement was obtained. The new index displayed valid and reliable scores. Conclusions: The Index for Interceptive Orthodontics Referral was developed and validated for the dental frontliners to identify and prioritize the developing malocclusion in children based on its severity and refer for orthodontic consultation to increase the possibility for interceptive orthodontics.

    • Original Article l 2023-09-25

      Pattern of microimplant displacement during maxillary skeletal expander treatment: A cone-beam computed tomography study

      Ney Paredes , Ausama Gargoum, Ramon Dominguez-Mompell, Ozge Colak, Joseph Bui, Tam Duong, Maya Giannetti, Fernanda Silva, Kendra Brooks, Won Moon ,

      Abstract : Objective: To analyze the microimplant (MI) displacement pattern on treatment with a maxillary skeletal expander (MSE) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: Thirty-nine participants (12 males and 27 females; mean age, 18.2 ± 4.2 years) were treated successfully with the MSE II appliance. Their pre- and post-expansion CBCT data were superimposed. The pre- and post-expansion anterior and posterior inter-MI angles, neck and apical inter-MI distance, plate angle, palatal bone thickness at the MI positions, and suture opening at the MI positions were measured and compared. Results: The jackscrew plate was slightly bent in both anterior and posterior areas. There was no significant difference in the extent of suture opening between the anterior and posterior MIs (p > 0.05). The posterior MI to hemiplate line was greater than that anteriorly (p < 0.05). The apical distance between the posterior MIs was greater than that anteriorly (p < 0.05). The palatal thickness at the anterior MIs was significantly greater than that posteriorly (p > 0.01). Conclusions: In the coronal plane, the angulation between the anterior MIs in relation to the jackscrew plate was greater than that between the posterior MIs owing to the differential palatal bone thickness.

    • Original Article l 2023-11-25

      Periodontal health status, oral microbiome, white-spot lesions and oral health related to quality of life-clear aligners versus fixed appliances: A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression

      Ana Sandra Llera-Romero , Milagros Adobes-Martín, José Enrique Iranzo-Cortés, José Maria Montiel-Company, Daniele Garcovich

      Abstract : Objective: Assess and evaluate the different indicators of oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among patients treated with clear aligners (CAs) versus those treated with conventional fixed orthodontics (FAs). Methods: An electronic search was performed on the database is Web of Science, Scopus, and Embase databases. Randomized and non-randomized control trials, cross-sectional, prospective cohort and retrospective trials were included. Quality was assessed with risk of bias tool and risk of bias in non-randomised studies. Meta-analyses were performed with random effects models, estimating the standardized and non-standardized mean differences, odds ratio and risk ratio as the measure of effect. The effect on time was determined using a meta-regression model. Results: Thirty one articles were included in the qualitative synthesis and 17 in the meta-analysis. CAs had a significantly lower negative impact on QoL, with an “important” effect size, while the influence of time was not significant. Periodontal indicators plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depth (PD), and bleeding on probing show significantly better values in patients treated with CAs, with moderate to large effect sizes. PI and GI have a significant tendency to improve over time. In microbiological indicators, CAs present a lower biofilm mass without differences in the percentage of patients with high counts of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli bacteria. The risk of white spot lesion onset is ten times lower in carriers of CAs. Conclusions: Patients wearing CAs show better periodontal indicators, less risk of white spot development, less biofilm mass and a better QoL than patients with FAs.

    • Original Article l 2023-11-25

      Risk factors for orthodontic fixed retention failure: A retrospective controlled study

      Kaat Verschueren , Amit Arvind Rajbhoj, Giacomo Begnoni, Guy Willems, Anna Verdonck, Maria Cadenas de Llano-Pérula

      Abstract : Objective: To investigate the potential correlation between fixed orthodontic retention failure and several patient- and treatment-related factors. Methods: Patients finishing treatment with fixed appliances between 2016 and 2017 were retrospectively included in this study. Those not showing fixed retention failure were considered as control group. Patients with fixed retention failure were considered as the experimental group. Additionally, patients with failure of fixed retainers in the period of June 2019 to March 2021 were prospectively identified and included in the experimental group. The location of the first retention failure, sex, pretreatment dental occlusion, facial characteristics, posttreatment dental occlusion, treatment approach and presence of oral habits were compared between groups before and after treatment separately by using a Fisher exact test and a Mann–Whitney U test. Results: 206 patients with fixed retention failure were included, 169 in the mandibular and 74 in the maxillary jaws. Significant correlations were observed between retention failure in the mandibular jaws and mandibular arch length discrepancy (P = 0.010), post-treatment growth pattern (P = 0.041), nail biting (P < 0.001) and abnormal tongue function (P = 0.002). Retention failure in the maxillary jaws was more frequent in patients with IPR in the mandibular jaws (P = 0.005) and abnormal tongue function (P = 0.021). Conclusions: This study suggests a correlation between fixed retention failure and parafunctional habits, such as nail biting and abnormal tongue function. Prospective studies with larger study populations could further confirm these results.

    • Original Article l 2024-07-25

      Anatomical factors of the maxillary tuberosity that influence molar distalization

      Diego Fernando López , David Acosta Olmos , Mónica Andrea Morales

      Abstract : Objective: To examine the areas of the maxillary tuberosity (MT) (coronal, apical, width, and height) with respect to the presence or absence of the third molar to establish possible anatomical limitations for molar distalization. Methods: A total of 277 tuberosities were evaluated through sagittal computed tomography (CT) images, divided for measurement into coronal (free of bone), apical (area of influence of the maxillary sinus), and tuberosity (bony area) zones, and stratified by the presence or absence of the third molar, sex, and two age subgroups. Mann–Whitney U test was used to compare the groups considering the third molar. Results: The medians of the width and height of the tuberosity decreased significantly in the absence of the third molar (P < 0.001). The apical area also showed differences, with negative values in the absence of the third molar and positive values in the presence of the third molar (P < 0.001). However, no differences were observed for the coronal area (P > 0.05). Conclusions: In the absence of the third molar, the size of the MT, represented by its width and height, was smaller and negative values (decrease) were observed for the maxillary sinus. The sagittal CT provides useful information regarding the amount of bone tissue available for distalization and relationship of the second molar with respect to the maxillary sinus, which allows individualizing each case in relation to the amount and type of movement expected.

    • Original Article l 2023-11-25

      Biomechanical analysis for different mandibular total distalization methods with clear aligners: A finite element study

      Sewoong Oh , Youn-Kyung Choi, Sung-Hun Kim, Ching-Chang Ko, Ki Beom Kim, Yong-Il Kim

      Abstract : Objective: The purpose of this finite element method (FEM) study was to analyze the biomechanical differences and tooth displacement patterns according to the traction direction, methods, and sites for total distalization of the mandibular dentition using clear aligner treatment (CAT). Methods: A finite element analysis was performed on four FEM models using different traction methods (via a precision cut hook or button) and traction sites (mandibular canine or first premolar). A distalization force of 1.5 N was applied to the traction site by changing the direction from –30 to +30° to the occlusal plane. The initial tooth displacement and von Mises stress on the clear aligners were analyzed. Results: All CAT-based total distalization groups showed an overall trend of clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of the occlusal plane as the force direction varied. Mesiodistal tipping of individual teeth was more prominent than that of bodily movements. The initial displacement pattern of the mandibular teeth was more predominant based on the traction site than on the traction method. The elastic deformation of clear aligners is attributed to unintentional lingual tipping or extrusion of the mandibular anterior teeth. Conclusions: The initial tooth displacement can vary according to different distalization strategies for CAT-based total distalization. Discreet application and biomechanical understanding of traction sites and directions are necessary for appropriate mandibular total distalization.

    • Original Article l 2023-01-25

      Associations between body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) with the dental health component of the index of orthodontic treatment need (IOTN-DHC) and other BDD risk factors in orthodontic patients: A preliminary study

      Farhad Sobouti , Foruzan Elyasi, Reza Alizadeh Navaei, Farbod Rayatnia, Nika Rezaei Kalantari, Sepideh Dadgar , Vahid Rakhshan

      Abstract : Objective: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder that may be negatively associated with the self-image. It might be associated with orthodontic treatment demand and outcome, and therefore is important. Thus, this study was conducted. Methods: The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD-YBOCS) questionnaire was used in 699 orthodontic patients above 12 years of age (222 males, 477 females), at seven clinics in two cities (2020–2021). BDD diagnosis and severity were calculated based on the first 3 items and all 12 items of the questionnaire. The dental health component of the index of orthodontic treatment need (IOTN-DHC) was assessed by orthodontists. Multivariable and bivariable statistical analyses were performed on ordinal and dichotomized BDD diagnoses to assess potentially associated factors (IOTN-DHC, age, sex, marital status, education level, and previous orthodontic consultation) (α = 0.05). Results: IOTN-DHC scores 1–5 were seen in 13.0%, 39.9%, 29.8%, 12.4%, and 4.9% of patients. Age/sex/marital status/education were not associated with IOTN-DHC (p > 0.05). Based on 3-item questionnaire, 17.02% of patients had BDD (14.02% mild). Based on 12-item questionnaire, 2.86% had BDD. BDD was more prevalent or severer in females, married patients, patients with a previous history of orthodontic consultation, and patients with milder IOTN-DHCs (p < 0.05). Conclusions: IOTN-DHC was negatively/slightly associated with BDD in orthodontic patients. Being female and married may increase BDD risk.

    • Original Article l 2024-03-25

      Treatment outcome and long-term stability of orthognathic surgery for facial asymmetry: A systematic review and meta-analysis

      Yoon-Ji Kim , Moon-Young Kim , Nayansi Jha , Min-Ho Jung , Yong-Dae Kwon , Ho Gyun Shin , Min Jung Ko , Sang Ho Jun

      Abstract : Objective: This systematic review aimed to provide a comparative analysis of the treatment outcomes, including hard and soft tissues, postoperative stability, temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and quality of life (QoL), in patients with facial asymmetry who underwent orthognathic surgery. Methods: The primary objective was to address the question, “How do different factors related to surgery affect the outcomes and stability of orthognathic surgery in the correction of facial asymmetry?” A meta-analysis was conducted on the outcome parameters, such as skeletal, dental, and soft tissue symmetry, TMD, QoL, and relapse, using the Hartung–Knapp–Sidik–Jonkman method for random-effects models. Subgroup analyses were conducted considering surgery-related factors such as surgical techniques (one-jaw vs. two-jaw), use of the surgery-first approach, utilization of computer simulation, and analytical methods employed to evaluate asymmetry (2D vs. 3D). Results: Forty-nine articles met the inclusion criteria. The meta-analysis demonstrated a significant improvement in the symmetry of hard and soft tissues. The subgroup analysis indicated that the treatment outcomes showed significant improvement, regardless of the factors related to surgery. Changes in TMD signs and symptoms varied according to the surgical technique used. Quality of life improved in the facial, oral, and social domains. Skeletal relapse was observed during the follow-up. Conclusions: Our findings support the positive outcomes of orthognathic surgery in the treatment of facial asymmetry in terms of skeletal and soft tissue improvements, stability, relief of TMD symptoms, and enhancement of QoL. However, most of the included studies showed a low certainty of evidence and high heterogeneity.


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November, 2024
Vol.54 No.6

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