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KJO Korean Journal of Orthodontics

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pISSN 2234-7518
eISSN 2005-372X

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    • Original Article l 2023-11-25

      Differences in facial soft tissue deviations in Class III patients with different types of mandibular asymmetry: A cone-beam computed tomography study

      Ho-Jin Kim , Hyung-Kyu Noh, Hyo-Sang Park

      Abstract : Objective: This study assessed the differences in soft tissue deviations of the nose, lips, and chin between different mandibular asymmetry types in Class III patients. Methods: Cone-beam computed tomography data from 90 Class III patients with moderate-to-severe facial asymmetry were investigated. The sample was divided into three groups based on the extent of mandibular rolling, yawing, and translation. Soft tissue landmarks on the nose, lips, and chin were investigated vertically, transversely, and anteroposteriorly. A paired t test was performed to compare variables between the deviated (Dv) and nondeviated (NDv) sides, and one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test was performed for intergroup comparisons. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the relationship between the soft and hard tissue deviations. Results: The roll-dominant group showed significantly greater differences in the vertical positions of the soft tissue landmarks between the Dv and NDv than other groups (P < 0.05), whereas the yaw-dominant group exhibited larger differences in the transverse and anteroposterior directions (P < 0.05). Moreover, transverse lip cant was correlated with the menton (Me) deviation and mandibular rolling in the roll-dominant group (P < 0.001); the angulation of the nasal bridge or philtrum was correlated with the Me deviation and mandibular yawing in the yaw-dominant group (P < 0.01). Conclusions: The three-dimensional deviations of facial soft tissue differed based on the mandibular asymmetry types in Class III patients with similar amounts of Me deviation. A precise understanding of soft tissue deviation in each asymmetry type would help achieve satisfactory facial esthetics.

    • Original Article l 2023-05-25

      Association between the severity of hypodontia and the characteristics of craniofacial morphology in a Chinese population: A cross-sectional study

      Xin Xiong , Jiaqi Liu , Yange Wu, Chengxinyue Ye, Qinlanhui Zhang, Yufan Zhu, Wenke Yang, Jun Wang

      Abstract : Objective: To investigate craniofacial differences in individuals with hypodontia and explore the relationship between craniofacial features and the number of congenitally missing teeth. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 261 Chinese patients (males, 124; females, 137; age, 7–24 years), divided into four groups (without hypodontia: no teeth missing, mild: one or two missing teeth, moderate: three to five missing teeth, severe: six or more missing teeth) according to the number of congenitally missing teeth. Differences in cephalometric measurements among the groups were analyzed. Further, multivariate linear regression and smooth curve fitting were performed to evaluate the relationship between the number of congenitally missing teeth and the cephalometric measurements. Results: In patients with hypodontia, SNA, NA-AP, FH-NA, ANB, Wits, ANS-Me/N-Me, GoGn-SN, UL-EP, and LL-EP significantly decreased, while Pog-NB, AB-NP, N-ANS, and S-Go/N-Me significantly increased. In multivariate linear regression analysis, SNB, Pog-NB, and S-Go/N-Me were positively related to the number of congenitally missing teeth. In contrast, NA-AP, FH-NA, ANB, Wits, N-Me, ANS-Me, ANS-Me/N-Me, GoGn-SN, SGn-FH (Y-axis), UL-EP, and LL-EP were negatively related, with absolute values of regression coefficients ranging from 0.147 to 0.357. Further, NA-AP, Pog-NB, S-Go/N-Me, and GoGn-SN showed the same tendency in both sexes, whereas UL-EP and LL-EP were different. Conclusions: Compared with controls, patients with hypodontia tend toward a Class III skeletal relationship, reduced lower anterior face height, flatter mandibular plane, and more retrusive lips. The number of congenitally missing teeth had a greater effect on certain characteristics of craniofacial morphology in males than in females.

    • Original Article l 2024-09-25

      Finite element analysis of the effects of different archwire forms and power arm positions on maxillary incisors in en masse retraction using fixed lingual orthodontic appliances

      Hilal Tarkan , Ihsan Sami Guvenc

      Abstract : Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of archwire form and power arm positions on maxillary incisors during lingual en masse retraction supported by miniscrew implants, using the finite element analysis method. Methods: Sliding mechanics for lingual en masse retraction were simulated using the finite element method. Power arms were placed mesial and distal to the maxillary canine with straight and mushroom-shaped archwires. Miniscrews provided absolute anchorage for retraction force. Results: When power arms were positioned mesial to the canine teeth, an increase in the intercanine distance was observed, while a decrease was noted when the power arms were distal to the canine tooth. Lateral incisors exhibited a greater torque loss, particularly when the power arm was mesial to the canine tooth. In the central incisors, the mushroom archwire resulted in intrusion, while the straight archwire showed an extrusion tendency. Movements in groups using the straight archwire were less controlled compared to those in groups using the mushroom archwire. Conclusions: The archwire form and the position of the power arm affected the torque loss and vertical position of incisors during lingual en masse retraction supported by miniscrew implants. The most controlled movement was achieved with the combination of a power arm positioned distal to the canine tooth and a mushroom archform.

    • Original Article l 2024-03-25

      Cone-beam computed tomographic evaluation of mandibular incisor alveolar bone changes for the intrusion arch technique: A retrospective cohort research

      Lin Lu , Jiaping Si , Zhikang Wang , Xiaoyan Chen

      Abstract : Objective: Alveolar bone loss is a common adverse effect of intrusion treatment. Mandibular incisors are prone to dehiscence and fenestrations as they suffer from thinner alveolar bone thickness. Methods: Thirty skeletal class II patients treated with mandibular intrusion arch therapy were included in this study. Lateral cephalograms and cone-beam computed tomography images were taken before treatment (T1) and immediately after intrusion arch removal (T2) to evaluate the tooth displacement and the alveolar bone changes. Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation was used to identify risk factors of alveolar bone loss during the intrusion treatment. Results: Deep overbite was successfully corrected (P < 0.05), accompanied by mandibular incisor proclination (P < 0.05). There were no statistically significant change in the true incisor intrusion (P > 0.05). The labial and lingual vertical alveolar bone levels showed a significant decrease (P < 0.05). The alveolar bone is thinning in the labial crestal area and lingual apical area (P < 0.05); accompanied by thickening in the labial apical area (P < 0.05). Proclined incisors, non-extraction treatment, and increased A point-nasion-B point (ANB) degree were positively correlated with alveolar bone loss. Conclusions: While the mandibular intrusion arch effectively corrected the deep overbite, it did cause some unwanted incisor labial tipping/flaring. During the intrusion treatment, the alveolar bone underwent corresponding changes, which was thinning in the labial crestal area and thickening in the labial apical area vice versa. And increased axis change of incisors, non-extraction treatment, and increased ANB were identified as risk factors for alveolar bone loss in patients with mandibular intrusion therapy.

    • Original Article l 2023-05-25

      Perception of discrepancy in the upper midline position in conjunction with the gingival display according to various occupations in Iran

      Hooman Zarif Najafi , Taraneh Estedlal, Maryam Saki , Maryam Azadi

      Abstract : Objective: This study evaluated the influence of various gingival displays on the esthetic perception in the presence of upper dental midline discrepancy. Methods: A smiling image of a male subject was altered digitally to produce five image series: normal smile (series A), decreased tooth show (series B), increased gingival show (series C), maxillary cant (series D), and asymmetric upper lip elevation (series E). In each image series, the midline was deviated to the right and left incrementally. A total of 210 raters (four professional groups and laypersons, n = 42 in each group) determined the midline deviation threshold and the attractiveness of midline position in each series. Results: The right and left thresholds were statistically similar for the symmetrical series (A, B, and C), while for series D, the right threshold was significantly lower. In most rater groups, the mean threshold order was: B > A > E > C > D. In all the series, the raters selected the coincident midline as the most attractive series except for series D, for which 1–2-mm deviations to the left were selected as the most attractive by almost all the groups. Conclusions: It is crucial to establish the coincident midline position in a symmetrical smile, especially when a gummy smile exists. In the asymmetrical gingival show, a coincident midline might not be the most esthetic midline position.

    • Original Article l 2023-05-25

      Covariance patterns between ramus morphology and the rest of the face: A geometric morphometric study

      Marietta Krüsi , Demetrios J. Halazonetis, Theodore Eliades, Vasiliki Koretsi

      Abstract : Objective: The growth and development of the mandible strongly depend on modeling changes occurring at its ramus. Here, we investigated covariance patterns between the morphology of the ramus and the rest of the face. Methods: Lateral cephalograms of 159 adults (55 males and 104 females) with no history of orthodontic treatment were collected. Geometric morphometrics with sliding semi-landmarks was used. The covariance between the ramus and face was investigated using a two-block partial least squares analysis (PLS). Sexual dimorphism and allometry were also assessed. Results: Differences in the divergence of the face and anteroposterior relationship of the jaws accounted for 24.1% and 21.6% of shape variation in the sample, respectively. Shape variation was greater in the sagittal plane for males than for females (30.7% vs. 17.4%), whereas variation in the vertical plane was similar for both sexes (23.7% for males and 25.4% for females). Size-related allometric differences between the sexes accounted for the shape variation to a maximum of 6% regarding the face. Regarding the covariation between the shapes of the ramus and the rest of the face, wider and shorter rami were associated with a decreased lower anterior facial height as well as a prognathic mandible and maxilla (PLS 1, 45.5% of the covariance). Additionally, a more posteriorly inclined ramus in the lower region was correlated with a Class II pattern and flat mandibular plane. Conclusions: The width, height, and inclination of the ramus were correlated with facial shape changes in the vertical and sagittal planes.

    • Original Article l 2023-03-25

      Accuracy of three-dimensional periodontal ligament models generated using cone-beam computed tomography at different resolutions for the assessment of periodontal bone loss

      Hangmiao Lyu , Li Xu, Huimin Ma, Jianxia Hou, Xiaoxia Wang, Yong Wang, Yijiao Zhao, Weiran Li , Xiaotong Li

      Abstract : Objective: To develop a method for generating three-dimensional (3D) digital models of the periodontal ligament (PDL) using 3D cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) reconstruction and to evaluate the accuracy and agreement of the 3D PDL models in the measurement of periodontal bone loss. Methods: CBCT data collected from four patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion prior to periodontal surgery were reconstructed at three voxel sizes (0.2 mm, 0.25 mm, and 0.3 mm), and 3D tooth and alveolar bone models were generated to obtain digital PDL models for the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. Linear measurements of the alveolar bone crest obtained during periodontal surgery were compared with the digital measurements for assessment of the accuracy of the digital models. The agreement and reliability of the digital PDL models were analyzed using intra- and interexaminer correlation coefficients and Bland–Altman plots. Results: Digital models of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, PDL, and alveolar bone of the four patients were successfully established. Relative to the intraoperative measurements, linear measurements obtained from the 3D digital models were accurate, and there were no significant differences among different voxel sizes at different sites. High diagnostic coincidence rates were found for the maxillary anterior teeth. The digital models showed high intra- and interexaminer agreement. Conclusions: Digital PDL models generated by 3D CBCT reconstruction can provide accurate and useful information regarding the alveolar crest morphology and facilitate reproducible measurements. This could assist clinicians in the evaluation of periodontal prognosis and establishment of an appropriate orthodontic treatment plan.

    • Original Article l 2023-07-25

      Differences in positions of cone-beam computed tomography landmarks in patients with skeletal Class III facial asymmetry according to midsagittal planes

      Hyung-Kyu Noh , Ho-Jin Kim, Hyo-Sang Park

      Abstract : Objective: This study aimed to clarify differences in the positions of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) landmarks according to different midsagittal planes (MSPs) in patients with skeletal Class III facial asymmetry. Methods: Pre-treatment CBCT data from 60 patients with skeletal Class III were used. The patients were classified into symmetric (menton deviations of < 2 mm) or asymmetric (menton deviations of > 4 mm) groups. Six MSPs were established based on previous studies, and three-dimensional analyses were performed for the planes in both the groups. The measurement outcomes were compared statistically. Results: A statistically significant interaction (p < 0.01) was observed between MSPs and facial asymmetry. No significant differences were observed among MSPs in the symmetric group. However, significant differences in linear measurements were identified among MSPs in the asymmetric group. Specifically, the upper facial MSP revealed both maxillary and mandibular transverse asymmetries. On the other hand, anterior nasal spine (ANS)-associated MSP could not identify maxillary asymmetry. Furthermore, the menton deviation was approximately 3 mm lower when estimated using the ANS-associated MSP than that using upper facial MSP. Conclusions: The choice of MSP can significantly affect treatment outcomes while diagnosing patients with asymmetry. Therefore, care should be taken when selecting MSP in clinical practice.

    • Original Article l 2024-01-25

      Accuracy of posteroanterior cephalogram landmarks and measurements identification using a cascaded convolutional neural network algorithm: A multicenter study

      Sung-Hoon Han , Jisup Lim , Jun-Sik Kim , Jin-Hyoung Cho , Mihee Hong , Minji Kim , Su-Jung Kim , Yoon-Ji Kim , Young Ho Kim , Sung-Hoon Lim , Sang Jin Sung , Kyung-Hwa Kang , Seung-Hak Baek , Sung-Kwon Choi , Namkug Kim

      Abstract : Objective: To quantify the effects of midline-related landmark identification on midline deviation measurements in posteroanterior (PA) cephalograms using a cascaded convolutional neural network (CNN). Methods: A total of 2,903 PA cephalogram images obtained from 9 university hospitals were divided into training, internal validation, and test sets (n = 2,150, 376, and 377). As the gold standard, 2 orthodontic professors marked the bilateral landmarks, including the frontozygomatic suture point and latero-orbitale (LO), and the midline landmarks, including the crista galli, anterior nasal spine (ANS), upper dental midpoint (UDM), lower dental midpoint (LDM), and menton (Me). For the test, Examiner-1 and Examiner-2 (3-year and 1-year orthodontic residents) and the Cascaded-CNN models marked the landmarks. After point-to-point errors of landmark identification, the successful detection rate (SDR) and distance and direction of the midline landmark deviation from the midsagittal line (ANS-mid, UDM-mid, LDM-mid, and Me-mid) were measured, and statistical analysis was performed. Results: The cascaded-CNN algorithm showed a clinically acceptable level of point-to-point error (1.26 mm vs. 1.57 mm in Examiner-1 and 1.75 mm in Examiner-2). The average SDR within the 2 mm range was 83.2%, with high accuracy at the LO (right, 96.9%; left, 97.1%), and UDM (96.9%). The absolute measurement errors were less than 1 mm for ANS-mid, UDM-mid, and LDM-mid compared with the gold standard. Conclusions: The cascaded-CNN model may be considered an effective tool for the auto-identification of midline landmarks and quantification of midline deviation in PA cephalograms of adult patients, regardless of variations in the image acquisition method.

    • Original Article l 2023-03-25

      Three-dimensional evaluation of mandibular width after mandibular asymmetric setback surgery using sagittal split ramus osteotomy

      Seong-Sik Kim , Sung-Hun Kim , Yong-Il Kim, Soo-Byung Park

      Abstract : Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the changes in mandibular width after sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) in patients with mandibular asymmetric prognathism using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: Seventy patients who underwent SSRO for mandibular setback surgery were included in two groups, symmetric (n = 35) and asymmetric (n = 35), which were divided according to the differences in their right and left setback amounts. The mandibular width was evaluated three-dimensionally using CBCT images taken immediately before surgery (T1), 3 days after surgery (T2), and 6 months after surgery (T3). Repeated measures analysis of variance was applied to verify the differences in mandibular width statistically. Results: Both groups showed a significant increase in the mandibular width at T2, followed by a significant decrease at T3. No significant difference was observed between T1 and T3 in any of the measurements. No significant differences were found between the two groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: After mandibular asymmetric setback surgery using SSRO, the mandibular width increased immediately but returned to its original width 6 months after surgery.

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