pISSN 2234-7518
eISSN 2005-372X

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Fig. 4. Volumetric measurements obtained by micro-computed tomography to assess the effects of nicotine on orthodontic tooth movement and bone remodeling in rats. A, A three-dimensional region of interest (ROI) was marked for quantitative analyses of bone changes occurring in the region of the maxillary first molar (M1). A, B, ROI was defined as follows: vertical, below the roof of the furcation and above the root apex; transverse, the space between the buccal and lingual cortical bone; and sagittal, 100 sections (13 µm) beginning at the mesial root and continuing to distal root. C, The same examiner evaluated all animal specimens and used morphological landmarks when drawing ROIs (CTAn in order to maximize bone quantification, minimize the inclusion of tooth roots, and use as many reproducible landmarks as possible.
M1, first molar; M2, second molar.
Korean J Orthod 2021;51:282~292 https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod.2021.51.4.282
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