pISSN 2234-7518
eISSN 2005-372X

Systematic reviews that assessed anchorage reinforcement devices during orthodontic treatment

Author Year Study design No. of studies No. of participants Intervention anchorage Comparison anchorage Type of studies Period of search Journal Main outcomes Quality of evidence
Feldmann and Bondemark8 2006 Systematic review 14 (7 of these are related to the aim of the current study) 388 Space closure with different techniques Different anchorage devices/methods 2 RCTs January, 1966 to December, 2004 Angle Orthodontist Due to contradictory results and the vast heterogeneity in study methods, the scientific evidence was too weak to evaluate anchorage efficiency during space closure Critically low
3 Retrospective studies Score: 4
2 Prospective studies
Li et al.20 2011 Systematic review and meta-analysis 8 392 Midpalatal implant, mini-implant, and onplant Headgear 4 RCTs Not reported Angle Orthodontist The skeletal anchorage of the midpalatal implant, mini-implant, and onplant offer better alternatives to headgear, with less anchorage loss and more anterior teeth retraction Critically low
1 Prospective cohort study Score: 7
3 Retrospective studies
Papadopoulos et al.21 2011 Meta-analysis 8 206 Mini-implants Different types (TPA, headgear, banding the second molar and application of differential moments). 3 RCTs Up to June, 2010 Journal of Dental Research The use of mini-implants significantly decreased or negated loss of anchorage Moderate
Mini-implants were also compared according to location, number, and etc. 5 CCTs Score: 10
Jambi et al.22 2014 Systematic review and meta-analysis (Cochrane Review) 15 (11 for meta-analysis) 561 Mid-palatal implants, onplants, mini-screw implants, spider screws, titanium plates and zygomatic wires Conventional methods (headgear, chin caps, face masks, transpalatal arches, Nance buttons, lingual arches and interarch elastics). RCTs Up to October 28, 2013 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Reinforcement of anchorage is more effective with surgical anchorage than conventional anchorage methods High
Studies with two methods of surgically assisted anchorage were also included. Score: 15
Antoszewska-Smith et al.23 2017 Systematic review and meta-analysis 14 616 Miniscrew and miniplate TPA and headgear 7 RCTs 1990 to March, 2016 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Skeletal anchorage devices are more effective for en-masse retraction than conventional methods of anchorage reinforcement Moderate
7 CCTs Score: 10
Diar-Bakirly et al.24 2017 Systematic review and meta-analysis 14 (13 for meta-analysis) 579 TPA Other types of anchorage including skeletal anchorage (miniscrews, onplants), and headgear 9 RCTs Up to April 2015 Angle Orthodontist Transpalatal arch alone should not be recommended to provide maximum anchorage during retraction of anterior teeth in extraction cases Moderate
5 Non-RCTs Score:11
Jayaratne et al.25 2017 Systematic review 6 327 Mini-implants Different types (TPA, headgear, banding the second molar and application of differential moments) RCTs Up to May, 2015 Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry The amount of incisor retraction and intrusion was greater with buccally placed mini-implants when compared to conventional anchorage techniques Low
Score: 8
Xu and Xie26 2017 Systematic review and meta-analysis 14 450 Mini-implants Conventional anchorage 8 RCTs December, 1966 to March, 2016 Angle Orthodontist Mini-implant anchorage was more effective in retracting the anterior teeth, produced less anchorage loss, and had a greater effect on SN-MP for the high-angle patients than did conventional anchorage Moderate
6 CCTs Score: 9
Alharbi et al.30 2019 Systematic review and meta-analysis 7 (6 for meta-analysis) 271 Miniscrews Different types (TPA, headgear, banding the second molar and application of differential moments) RCTs Up to March 16, 2018 Acta Odontologica Scandinavica Miniscrews are more effective in preserving orthodontic anchorage than conventional appliances Moderate
Score: 14
Becker et al.27 2018 Systematic review and meta-analysis 12 (7 for meta-analysis) 393 Mini-implants Different types (TPA, headgear, Nance button, lingual arch, mushroom loops, intrusion arch, banding the second molar, application of different moments) 9 RCTs 1992 to December 31, 2017 International Journal of Implant Dentistry Maximum anchorage en-masse retraction can be achieved by orthodontic mini-implants and direct anchorage Moderate
1 CCT Moderate
Score: 12
1 Cohort study
Khlef et al.28 2018 Systematic review and meta-analysis 4 150 En-masse retraction of the upper anterior teeth associated skeletal anchorage (mini-implant, miniplates, and C-tube) Two-step retraction of the upper anterior associated with conventional anchorage 2 RCTs January, 1990 to April, 2018 Contemporary Clinical Dentistry There is a very weak-to-moderate evidence that using skeletal anchorage devices with en-masse retraction would cause better posterior anchorage and incisors inclination, and greater anterior teeth retraction than using conventional anchorage with two-step retraction Moderate
2 CCTs Score: 14
Khlef et al.29 2019 Systematic review and meta-analysis 8 (5 for meta-analysis) 255 En-masse retraction of maxillary anterior teeth with skeletal anchorage En-masse retraction of maxillary anterior teeth with conventional or no anchorage system and without any approach for tooth movement acceleration 6 RCTs January, 1990 to April, 2018 The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice There is weak to moderate evidence that using skeletal anchorage devices would lead to better posterior anchorage than using conventional anchorage Moderate
2 CCTs Score: 13
Liu et al.31 2020 Systematic review and meta-analysis 12 Not reported Mini-implants Different types (TPA, headgear, Nance button, lingual arch) 4 RCTs Up to July, 2018 The Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice Mini-implants seem to be more effective than the conventional anchorage devices in terms of minimizing unintended mesial movement of molars with maximum retraction of anterior teeth High
3 Prospective controlled trials Score: 13
5 Retrospective studies
Tian et al.32 2020 Systematic review and meta-analysis 8 146 Miniscrew (during the first phase of the two-step retraction technique) Different types (TPA, lingual arch, and dental anchorage) 3 RCTs Up to June 30, 2019 BMC Oral Health Anchorage with miniscrew is more efficient than conventional anchorage during canine retraction Moderate
5 CCTs Score: 12

Score of each review represents the number of “YES” answers in the A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR 2) checklist. However, this may not always reflect the quality as items do not have the same weight.

RCT, randomized controlled trial; CCT, controlled clinical trial; TPA, transpalatal arch; SN-MP, sella-nasion to mandibular plane angle.

Korean J Orthod 2022;52:220~235 https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod21.153
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