pISSN 2234-7518
eISSN 2005-372X

Landmarks and description

Landmarks Description
Horizontal reference plane (HRP) Left orbitale - right orbitale - right porion
Vertical reference plane (VRP) Perpendicular to the HRP plane and passes through nasion and basion
R_go Most lateral point of right gonion area
L_go Most lateral point of left gonion area
Gonial plane Parallel to the HRP and passes through the midpoint of R_go and L_go
Coronal plane Perpendicular to the HRP and passes through the midpoint of the R_go and L_go
Ramus plane Parallel to the HRP plane and passes the midpoint of the most inferior point of the mastoid process on both sides
R_ra Intersection point of the ramus plane and the lateral border of right ramus
L_ra Intersection point of the ramus plane and the lateral border of left ramus
Lip plane Parallel to the HRP plane and passes the midpoint of the lip commissure on both sides
R_lip Right intersection point of the coronal plane and the lip plane
L_lip Left intersection point of the coronal plane and the lip plane
IGW Distance from R_go to L_go
IRW Distance from R_ra to L_ra
UGW Distance from VRP to L_go or R_go
STW Distance from R_lip to L_lip

IGW, intergonial width; IRW, interramal width; UGW, unilateral gonial width; STW, soft tissue width.

Korean J Orthod 2023;53:99~105 https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod22.077
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