Landmarks and description
Landmarks | Description |
Horizontal reference plane (HRP) | Left orbitale - right orbitale - right porion |
Vertical reference plane (VRP) | Perpendicular to the HRP plane and passes through nasion and basion |
R_go | Most lateral point of right gonion area |
L_go | Most lateral point of left gonion area |
Gonial plane | Parallel to the HRP and passes through the midpoint of R_go and L_go |
Coronal plane | Perpendicular to the HRP and passes through the midpoint of the R_go and L_go |
Ramus plane | Parallel to the HRP plane and passes the midpoint of the most inferior point of the mastoid process on both sides |
R_ra | Intersection point of the ramus plane and the lateral border of right ramus |
L_ra | Intersection point of the ramus plane and the lateral border of left ramus |
Lip plane | Parallel to the HRP plane and passes the midpoint of the lip commissure on both sides |
R_lip | Right intersection point of the coronal plane and the lip plane |
L_lip | Left intersection point of the coronal plane and the lip plane |
IGW | Distance from R_go to L_go |
IRW | Distance from R_ra to L_ra |
UGW | Distance from VRP to L_go or R_go |
STW | Distance from R_lip to L_lip |
IGW, intergonial width; IRW, interramal width; UGW, unilateral gonial width; STW, soft tissue width.