Definitions of landmarks
Landmark | Definition |
Co | Most postero-superior point on the mandibular condyle |
Go | Most posterior point of the bony contour of the gonial angle of the mandible |
Gn | Most inferior point of the bony contour of the gonial angle of the mandible |
Me | Most inferior point of the mandibular symphysis |
Id | Most inferior point of the marginal alveolar bone of the lower central incisor |
B1 | Most anterior point of the marginal alveolar bone on the lingual surface of the lower central incisor |
M1 | Most mesial point of the marginal alveolar bone on the mesial surface of the lower first molar |
L1 | The deepest point on the mesial occlusal fossa of the lower first molar |
L1' | Projected point of L1 on the line connecting Gn and Me |
L2 | Most lateral point on buccal surface of the lower first molar |
Cp | Most superior point of the coronoid process |
Cp' | Projected point of Cp on the line connecting Gn and Me |
Zy | Most lateral point of the zygomatic arch |