pISSN 2234-7518
eISSN 2005-372X

Definitions of landmarks

Landmark Definition
Co Most postero-superior point on the mandibular condyle
Go Most posterior point of the bony contour of the gonial angle of the mandible
Gn Most inferior point of the bony contour of the gonial angle of the mandible
Me Most inferior point of the mandibular symphysis
Id Most inferior point of the marginal alveolar bone of the lower central incisor
B1 Most anterior point of the marginal alveolar bone on the lingual surface of the lower central incisor
M1 Most mesial point of the marginal alveolar bone on the mesial surface of the lower first molar
L1 The deepest point on the mesial occlusal fossa of the lower first molar
L1' Projected point of L1 on the line connecting Gn and Me
L2 Most lateral point on buccal surface of the lower first molar
Cp Most superior point of the coronoid process
Cp' Projected point of Cp on the line connecting Gn and Me
Zy Most lateral point of the zygomatic arch
Korean J Orthod 2023;53:393~401 https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.091
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