pISSN 2234-7518
eISSN 2005-372X

Variables measured in this study

Variables Definition
Menton deviation The distance between Me and MSP
Body length The distance between Me and Go
Ramus height The distance between Go and Cd
Go to MSP The distance between the Go and MSP
MFmid deviation The distance between the MFmid and MSP
Ramus inclination The angle between the ramus axial line (Cd-Go) and MSP
∠MHP to FHP The angle between the MHP and FHP (projected on the coronal plane)
∠MnMSP to MSP The angle between the MnMSP and MSP (projected on the FHP)
Vertical distance
UM or UC to FHP The distance between the UM or UC and FHP
LM or LC to FHP The distance between the LM or LC and FHP
Soft tissue
Vertical distance
Al or Ac to FHP The distance between the Al or Ac and FHP
Ch to FHP The distance between the Ch and FHP
Subchin to FHP The distance between the Subchin and FHP
Transverse distance
G’ or N’ to MSP The distance between the G’ or N’ and MSP
Prn or Sn to MSP The distance between the Prn or Sn and MSP
Al or Ac to MSP The distance between the Al or Ac and MSP
NLF to MSP The distance between the NLF and MSP
Ls or Li to MSP The distance between the Ls or Li and MSP
Stms or Stmi to MSP The distance between the Stms or Stmi and MSP
Ch to MSP The distance between the Ch and MSP
B’, Pog’, or Me’ to MSP The distance between the B’, Pog’, or Me’ to MSP
Anteroposterior distance
Al or Ac to coronal plane The distance between the Al or Ac and coronal plane
NLF to coronal plane The distance between the NLF and coronal plane
Ch to coronal plane The distance between the Ch and coronal plane
Midchin to coronal plane The distance between the Midchin and coronal plane
Vertical line angulation
Nasal bridge to MSP The angle between the nasal bridge (N’-Prn) and MSP
Philtrum to MSP The angle between the philtrum line (Sn-Ls) and MSP
Chin midline to MSP The angle between the chin midline (Li-Me’) and MSP
Nasolabial fold to MSP The angle between the nasolabial fold line (Ac-NLF) and MSP
Transverse line angulation
Ch line to FHP The angle between the Ch line (Ch_NDv-Ch_Dv) and FHP

Me, menton; MSP, midsagittal plane; Go, gonion; Cd, condylion; MF, mental foramen; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; Ls, labrale superius; Li, labrale inferius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane.

Korean J Orthod 2023;53:402~419 https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106
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