pISSN 2234-7518
eISSN 2005-372X

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Fig. 2.

Frontal cephalometric landmarks and measurements used in this study. ZA and AZ, the centers of the left and the right zygomatic arches; NC and CN, the left and the right outermost points of the widest range of the nasal cavity; JL and JR, the deepest left and the right points on the jugular process; U6L and U6R, The outermost points of the buccal surfaces of the left and right first molars; L3L and L3R, the tips of the left and the right lower canines; AG and GA, the deepest left and the right points of antegonial notch; FW (facial width), the distance between ZA and AZ points; NW (Nasal width), the distance between NC and CN points; MW (maxillary width), the distance between JL and JR points; U6W (upper intermolar width), the distance between U6L and U6R points; L3W (lower intercanine width), the distance between L3L and L3R points; AGW (antegonial width), the distance between AG and GA points.

Korean J Orthod 2014;44:119~127 https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod.2014.44.3.119
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