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Original Article

Korean J Orthod 2023; 53(6): 402-419   https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

First Published Date September 7, 2023, Publication Date November 25, 2023

Copyright © The Korean Association of Orthodontists.

Differences in facial soft tissue deviations in Class III patients with different types of mandibular asymmetry: A cone-beam computed tomography study

Ho-Jin Kim , Hyung-Kyu Noh, Hyo-Sang Park

Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

Correspondence to:Hyo-Sang Park.
Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, 2175 Dalgubeol-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu 41940, Korea.
Tel +82-53-600-7373 e-mail parkhs@knu.ac.kr

How to cite this article: Kim HJ, Noh HK, Park HS. Differences in facial soft tissue deviations in Class III patients with different types of mandibular asymmetry: A cone-beam computed tomography study. Korean J Orthod 2023;53(6):402-419. https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Received: May 11, 2023; Revised: August 25, 2023; Accepted: September 4, 2023


Objective: This study assessed the differences in soft tissue deviations of the nose, lips, and chin between different mandibular asymmetry types in Class III patients. Methods: Cone-beam computed tomography data from 90 Class III patients with moderate-to-severe facial asymmetry were investigated. The sample was divided into three groups based on the extent of mandibular rolling, yawing, and translation. Soft tissue landmarks on the nose, lips, and chin were investigated vertically, transversely, and anteroposteriorly. A paired t test was performed to compare variables between the deviated (Dv) and nondeviated (NDv) sides, and one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test was performed for intergroup comparisons. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the relationship between the soft and hard tissue deviations. Results: The roll-dominant group showed significantly greater differences in the vertical positions of the soft tissue landmarks between the Dv and NDv than other groups (P < 0.05), whereas the yaw-dominant group exhibited larger differences in the transverse and anteroposterior directions (P < 0.05). Moreover, transverse lip cant was correlated with the menton (Me) deviation and mandibular rolling in the roll-dominant group (P < 0.001); the angulation of the nasal bridge or philtrum was correlated with the Me deviation and mandibular yawing in the yaw-dominant group (P < 0.01). Conclusions: The three-dimensional deviations of facial soft tissue differed based on the mandibular asymmetry types in Class III patients with similar amounts of Me deviation. A precise understanding of soft tissue deviation in each asymmetry type would help achieve satisfactory facial esthetics.

Keywords: Cone-beam computed tomography, Facial asymmetry, Mandibular asymmetry type, Soft tissue deviation


In recent years, demands for improving facial asymmetry along with esthetic perception have increased. Improvement in facial asymmetry is attributed to an in-depth diagnostic analysis of underlying hard tissue and facial soft tissue.1-3 With the aid of current three-dimensional (3D) imaging techniques, such as cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and facial scanning, precise diagnostic data can be obtained to analyze the hard and soft tissue features of patients.4,5 Notably, as perceived facial asymmetry mostly depends on soft tissue features, treatment success relies on the soft tissue outcome. Therefore, a sufficient understanding of the soft tissue deviation relative to skeletal asymmetry is crucial to ensure high treatment predictability.

The prevalence of asymmetry is higher in skeletal Class III patients than in Class I or II patients.6-8 Considering the fact that the mandible is affected in 74% of facial asymmetry patients,6 the influence of mandibular asymmetry on the facial soft tissue might be crucial. As the asymmetric mandibles have different amounts of yaw and roll rotations and related morphologic alterations, the facial soft tissue could be affected accordingly. However, previous studies that have reported soft tissue menton (Me’) deviation, transverse cant or lateral deviation of the lips, and nasal deviation were only based on a single asymmetry group.9-12 Because of this limitation, it would be difficult to elaborate on which part of soft tissue deviations is closely associated with a certain deviation of the underlying bone.

By grouping different asymmetry types, previous studies have effectively revealed the respective traits of dental compensation in each asymmetry type.13,14 Mandibular asymmetry can be clearly described using 3D rotations, such as roll and yaw, or translation, as suggested by Ackerman et al.15 These terminologies are commonly used to indicate exact dentofacial positions, whereas several new specific classifications of mandibular asymmetry have been reported in other previous studies,13,16,17 thus enhancing our understanding of the relationship between hard and soft tissue deviations. Meanwhile, regarding methodologies of soft tissue analysis, earlier studies mainly measured the deviation of the lips or Me’ position but rarely measured the deviation in other areas, such as the nose, nasolabial fold, and chin contour.10,11,18,19 In addition, the soft tissues were quantified three-dimensionally using the volume or thickness of multiple grid-based areas in other previous studies;1,3,20 however, the averaged values of the areas might obscure precise measurements on specific landmarks. These limited data may lead to low predictability of soft tissue changes and insufficient improvement in facial asymmetry after surgery. In other words, by measuring soft tissue vertically, transversely, and anteroposteriorly with more specific landmarks, the 3D soft tissue deviation patterns related to each mandibular asymmetry type would be clearly obtained and easily understood by clinicians, and this information can be used to predict the soft tissue responses of each soft tissue after surgical skeletal movement of different mandibular asymmetry types.

Therefore, this study aimed to measure the 3D soft tissue deviation of the nose, lips, and chin in Class III patients with roll-, yaw-, and translation-dominant mandibular asymmetries. The soft tissue measurements were also assessed to determine their correlation with the underlying skeletal and dental measurements. The null hypothesis was that there would be no significant difference in soft tissue deviations between the different mandibular asymmetry types.


This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Kyungpook National University Dental Hospital (KNUDH-2022-12-03-00).

The sample size was determined using G*power (version; Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany) with reference to previous CBCT research on soft tissue analysis.4 The appropriate sample size was calculated to be 28 patients in each group, with a test power of 0.80, a two-sided significance level of 0.05, and an effect size of 0.78. To increase the power of this study, 30 patients were enrolled in each group.

The inclusion criteria were as follows: patients with skeletal Class III relationship (point A-nasion-point B angle [ANB] < 0°), moderate-to-severe facial asymmetry (> 4 mm menton [Me] deviation relative to the midsagittal plane [MSP]),21,22 and no or mild dental crowding (tooth size-arch length discrepancy < 3 mm). The exclusion criteria were as follows: patients with congenital missing teeth except for the third molars, dental spacing, dental prosthesis, and a history of previous orthodontic treatment, orthognathic surgery, or craniofacial syndrome and/or trauma.

The total sample group included 90 patients (59 males and 31 females; age, 21.75 ± 2.78 years; age range, 18–37.9 years) who underwent an orthodontic diagnosis using CBCT scans at Kyungpook National University Dental Hospital, Daegu, Korea, between January 2010 and December 2018. Cone beam computed tomography scans (120 kVp, 15 mA, 19-cm field of view, 0.377 mm voxel size, 9.6-s scan time) were acquired using a CT scanner (CB MercuRay, Hitachi, Osaka, Japan), and variables were measured using the Invivo 6 anatomy imaging software (Anatomage, San Jose, CA, USA).

The enrolled patients were classified into three asymmetry groups according to the extent of mandibular rolling (the angle formed by the mandibular horizontal plane [MHP] to Frankfort horizontal plane [FHP]), yawing (the angle formed by the mandibular midsagittal plane [MnMSP] to MSP), and translation (the distance between the midpoint of bilateral mental foramen [MFmid] and MSP) (Figure 1).22 The roll-dominant group consisted of patients with > 5° mandibular rolling and < 3° mandibular yawing; the yaw-dominant group, patients with > 5° mandibular yawing and < 3° mandibular rolling; and the translation-dominant group, patients with < 3° mandibular rolling and yawing and > 4 mm MFmid deviation relative to MSP.

Figure 1. A, Skeletal landmarks and cranial reference planes. B, Mandibular rolling and yawing based on the mandibular reference planes.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Cg, crista galli; Or, orbitale; Po, porion; Go, gonion; MF, mental foramen; PM, protuberance menti; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of the bilateral MF; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Mn, mandibular; Rt, right; Lt, left; Op, opisthion.

Cephalometric variables were measured to investigate the sagittal and vertical skeletal relationships in each group.

Definitions of soft tissue, skeletal, and dental landmarks and variables used in this study are described in Tables 1 and 2, and Figures 14.

Figure 2. Skeletal and dental measurements. A, Skeletal distance and angulation. B, Dental vertical distance.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Go, gonion; MSP, midsagittal plane; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; Me, menton; UM, maxillary first molar; NDv, nondeviated side; LM, mandibular first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LC, mandibular canine; Dv, deviated side.

Figure 3. Soft tissue landmarks investigated in this study.
G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Al, nasal ala; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Sn, subnasale; Ls, labrale superius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; Ch, cheilion; Li, labrale inferius; B’, soft tissue B point; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Me, menton.

Figure 4. Soft tissue measurements. A, Vertical distance. B, Transverse distance (blue, bilateral landmarks; black, midline landmarks). C, Anteroposterior distance. D, Line angulation.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Al, nasal ala; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Ch, cheilion; Me, menton; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; MSP, midsagittal plane; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ls, labrale superius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; Li, labrale inferius; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin.

Table 1 . Landmarks and reference planes used in this study

OrThe most inferior point of the lower orbital margin
PoThe most superior point of the external auditory meatus
CgThe most superior point on the crista galli
OpThe midpoint of the posterior border of the foramen magnum
GoThe most inferior point of gonial angle on the lateral view
CdThe most superior point of the condylar head
MeThe most inferior point on the symphyseal outline
MFThe most inferior point of the mental foramen
MFmidThe midpoint of the MF of both sides
PMThe point where the curvature changes from concave to convex at the most anterior symphyseal border
UMThe central fossa of the maxillary first molar
UCThe cusp tip of the maxillary canine
LMThe central fossa of the mandibular first molar
LCThe cusp tip of the mandibular canine
Soft tissue
G’The most anterior midpoint of the forehead
N’The most posterior midpoint on the contour of the nasal root
PrnThe most anterior midpoint of the nasal tip
SnThe midpoint located at the junction of the nasal columella and upper lip
AlThe most lateral point on each nasal alar contour
AcThe most posterior point on each alar-facial groove
LsThe midpoint of the vermilion line of the upper lip
LiThe midpoint of the vermilion line of the lower lip
StmsThe most inferior midpoint of the lower border of the upper lip
StmiThe most superior midpoint of the upper border of the lower lip
NLFThe most posterior point on each nasolabial fold at the vertical level of the midpoint of Sn and Ls
ChThe most lateral point on each labial commissure
B’The most posterior midpoint on the mentolabial sulcus
Pog’The most anterior midpoint of the chin
Me’The most inferior midpoint on the lower contour of the chin
SubchinThe point on each lower contour of the chin at the 15mm lateral to Me’
MidchinThe point on each chin contour at the level of the midpoint of Ch and Subchin
Reference plane
Frankfort horizontal plane (FHP)The plane passing by Po of both sides and right Or
Midsagittal plane (MSP)The plane passing by Cg and Op, perpendicular to the FHP
Coronal planeThe plane passing by Cg, perpendicular to the FHP and MSP
Mandibular horizontal plane (MHP)The plane passing by three points, bilateral MFs and PM
Mandibular midsagittal plane (MnMSP)The plane passing by Me and MFmid, perpendicular to the MHP

Or, orbitale; Po, porion; Cg, crista galli; Op, opisthion; Go, gonion; Cd, condylion; Me, menton; MF, mental foramen; PM, protuberance menti; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Ls, labrale superius; Li, labrale inferius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton.

Table 2 . Variables measured in this study

Menton deviationThe distance between Me and MSP
Body lengthThe distance between Me and Go
Ramus heightThe distance between Go and Cd
Go to MSPThe distance between the Go and MSP
MFmid deviationThe distance between the MFmid and MSP
Ramus inclinationThe angle between the ramus axial line (Cd-Go) and MSP
∠MHP to FHPThe angle between the MHP and FHP (projected on the coronal plane)
∠MnMSP to MSPThe angle between the MnMSP and MSP (projected on the FHP)
Vertical distance
UM or UC to FHPThe distance between the UM or UC and FHP
LM or LC to FHPThe distance between the LM or LC and FHP
Soft tissue
Vertical distance
Al or Ac to FHPThe distance between the Al or Ac and FHP
Ch to FHPThe distance between the Ch and FHP
Subchin to FHPThe distance between the Subchin and FHP
Transverse distance
G’ or N’ to MSPThe distance between the G’ or N’ and MSP
Prn or Sn to MSPThe distance between the Prn or Sn and MSP
Al or Ac to MSPThe distance between the Al or Ac and MSP
NLF to MSPThe distance between the NLF and MSP
Ls or Li to MSPThe distance between the Ls or Li and MSP
Stms or Stmi to MSPThe distance between the Stms or Stmi and MSP
Ch to MSPThe distance between the Ch and MSP
B’, Pog’, or Me’ to MSPThe distance between the B’, Pog’, or Me’ to MSP
Anteroposterior distance
Al or Ac to coronal planeThe distance between the Al or Ac and coronal plane
NLF to coronal planeThe distance between the NLF and coronal plane
Ch to coronal planeThe distance between the Ch and coronal plane
Midchin to coronal planeThe distance between the Midchin and coronal plane
Vertical line angulation
Nasal bridge to MSPThe angle between the nasal bridge (N’-Prn) and MSP
Philtrum to MSPThe angle between the philtrum line (Sn-Ls) and MSP
Chin midline to MSPThe angle between the chin midline (Li-Me’) and MSP
Nasolabial fold to MSPThe angle between the nasolabial fold line (Ac-NLF) and MSP
Transverse line angulation
Ch line to FHPThe angle between the Ch line (Ch_NDv-Ch_Dv) and FHP

Me, menton; MSP, midsagittal plane; Go, gonion; Cd, condylion; MF, mental foramen; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; Ls, labrale superius; Li, labrale inferius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane.

For the distance variables of the soft tissue, landmarks were evaluated in the sagittal, vertical, and transverse directions (Figure 4). To perform a reliable comparison of soft and hard tissues, cranium-based reference planes, such as the FHP and MSP, were equally used to measure the soft tissue, skeletal, and dental variables.9,23 For bilateral landmarks, the difference in the distance between the deviated (Dv) and nondeviated (NDv) sides (ΔNDv−Dv) was calculated. For midline landmarks, a positive value of the distance was set as the landmark positioned at the Dv, and a negative value was set as the landmark positioned at the NDv.

To further investigate the facial soft tissue, new landmarks of the nasolabial fold and chin area, such as NLF, Midchin, and Subchin, were included in this study. To assess the overall patterns of soft tissue deviation, the angulations of the facial midline and transverse line, such as the nasal bridge, philtrum, chin midline, and transverse lip line, were calculated.

To compare soft tissue measurements with underlying skeletal or dental measurements, cranium-based planes, such as the MSP, FHP, and coronal planes, were used as reference planes (Figure 1). In addition, to compare the differences in the soft tissue and skeletal chin deviations between the groups, the ratio of soft tissue (Me’) deviation to hard tissue (Me) deviation was calculated for each group. Correlations between soft tissue and skeletal/dental measurements were calculated to determine the relationship between soft and hard tissue deviations.

All the measurements were performed by a single investigator (HJ Kim). For the reliability test, 10 randomly selected patients were reevaluated by the same investigator after 2 weeks. The mean intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.977 (range, 0.957–0.977), and the mean Dahlberg errors were 0.72 mm (range, 0.46–0.86) and 0.71° (range, 0.37–1.07).

The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test showed data normality. A paired t test was used to compare the variables of the sides, and one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test was performed to compare the variables of the three groups. Linear-by-linear association was used to compare the sex distribution between the groups, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to determine the relationship between soft tissue and skeletal/dental variables. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05, and SPSS statistical software (version 22; IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) was used.


Comparison of sex distribution, age, and cephalometric measurements between the groups

No significant differences in sex distribution or age were observed between the three mandibular asymmetry groups (Table 3). In terms of the sagittal and vertical skeletal patterns, the patients in this study did not show a significant difference in cephalometric measurements between the groups.

Table 3 . Demographic characteristics and cephalometric measurements of the sample

RollYawTranslationP value
Demographic characteristics
Male (n)192218
Female (n)11812
Age (yr)21.60 ± 2.3321.59 ± 2.1722.05 ± 3.66
Cephalometric measurements
SNA (°)80.08 ± 3.0480.66 ± 2.5281.57 ± 3.20
SNB (°)82.34 ± 3.0884.07 ± 4.5284.28 ± 3.45
ANB (°)−2.26 ± 2.03−3.40 ± 3.20−2.79 ± 2.60
FMA (°)27.88 ± 5.0327.19 ± 5.5525.28 ± 5.66

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

Linear-by-linear association was performed to compare the sex distribution between the groups.

No significant difference was observed between the 3 groups.

SNA, sella-nasion-point A angle; SNB, sella-nasion-point B angle; ANB, point A-nasion-point B angle; FMA, Frankfort-mandibular plane angle.

Comparison of skeletal measurements between the sides and between the groups

Comparison of bilateral measurements between the Dv and NDv revealed that body length and ramus height and inclination were significantly greater at the NDv than those at the Dv (P < 0.05) in each group (Table 4). In addition, the distance between the gonion (Go) and MSP was longer at the Dv than at the NDv (P < 0.001).

Table 4 . Comparison of skeletal measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Me deviation (mm)9.28 ± 3.06a-8.93 ± 3.80a-6.74 ± 2.13b-
Body length (mm)
Dv80.69 ± 5.260.002**80.33 ± 5.00< 0.001***80.65 ± 5.130.023*
NDv82.06 ± 5.5084.87 ± 5.4482.07 ± 5.16
ΔNDv−Dv1.37 ± 2.20a-4.54 ± 2.79b-1.42 ± 3.25a-
Ramus height (mm)
Dv65.36 ± 6.32< 0.001***68.86 ± 6.33< 0.001***68.53 ± 7.29< 0.001***
NDv73.44 ± 6.3571.02 ± 5.8071.41 ± 6.70
ΔNDv−Dv8.09 ± 3.64a-2.16 ± 2.95b-2.88 ± 2.43b-
Ramus inclination (°)
Dv1.88 ± 2.36a< 0.001***2.47 ± 2.20a,b0.001**3.45 ± 2.46b< 0.001***
NDv7.34 ± 2.64a4.77 ± 2.99b7.57 ± 3.15a
ΔNDv−Dv5.46 ± 2.89a-2.30 ± 3.41b-4.11 ± 3.73a,b-
MFmid deviation (mm)7.12 ± 2.70-6.91 ± 3.43-5.92 ± 2.03-
Go to MSP (mm)
Dv50.88 ± 4.64< 0.001***49.35 ± 3.06< 0.001***50.04 ± 3.80< 0.001***
NDv43.89 ± 4.11a46.48 ± 4.23b43.31 ± 3.60a
ΔNDv−Dv−7.00 ± 5.14a-−2.87 ± 3.67b-−6.73 ± 4.12a-
MHP to FHP (°)6.18 ± 1.24a-0.87 ± 1.28b-1.62 ± 0.94c-
MnMSP to MSP (°)1.76 ± 1.08a-8.35 ± 3.41b-2.06 ± 0.74a-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; Go, gonion; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane; -, not applicable.

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to a one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test.

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; significant difference at *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv.

Regarding the comparison of the skeletal variables between the groups, the amount of Me deviation was significantly greater in the roll- and yaw-dominant groups (roll, 9.28 mm; yaw, 8.93 mm) than in the translation-dominant group (6.74 mm; P < 0.05). For the bilateral body length difference and angulation between the MnMSP and MSP, the yaw-dominant group presented the highest values (ΔNDv−Dv of body length, 4.54 mm; ∠MnMSP to MSP, 8.35°; P < 0.05) among the three groups. In addition, the bilateral ramus height difference and angulation between the MHP and FHP were significantly higher in the roll-dominant group (ΔNDv−Dv of ramus height, 8.09 mm; ∠MHP to FHP, 6.18°; P < 0.05) than in the other groups. Thus, the roll-dominant group showed higher mandibular rolling asymmetry, and the yaw-dominant group presented higher mandibular yawing asymmetry.

Comparison of dental measurements between the sides and between the groups

As presented in Table 5, all vertical distances of the canine and first molar of both jaws were significantly greater at the NDv than those at the Dv in the three groups (P < 0.001), except for the maxillary canine and first molar of the translation-dominant group.

Table 5 . Comparison of dental measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Dv49.75 ± 3.83< 0.001***50.18 ± 3.91< 0.001***49.24 ± 3.790.170
NDv51.70 ± 4.0351.31 ± 3.9949.62 ± 3.87
ΔNDv−Dv1.94 ± 1.58a-1.13 ± 1.37a,b-0.38 ± 1.47b-
Dv55.03 ± 3.75< 0.001***55.29 ± 4.75< 0.001***53.64 ± 4.210.060
NDv56.65 ± 3.9656.12 ± 4.6054.12 ± 4.19
ΔNDv−Dv1.62 ± 1.18a-0.83 ± 1.01b-0.48 ± 1.34b-
Dv52.22 ± 3.97< 0.001***53.20 ± 4.69< 0.001***52.34 ± 4.39< 0.001***
NDv54.68 ± 4.3454.98 ± 4.5853.41 ± 4.47
ΔNDv−Dv2.45 ± 1.15a-1.78 ± 1.30a,b-1.07 ± 1.32b-
Dv54.60 ± 4.94< 0.001***54.96 ± 5.24< 0.001***53.08 ± 4.47< 0.001***
NDv56.67 ± 5.0156.29 ± 5.1154.09 ± 4.70
ΔNDv−Dv2.07 ± 1.39a-1.32 ± 0.95a,b-1.01 ± 1.28b-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; UM, maxillary first molar; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; -, not applicable.

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test.

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; ***significant difference at P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv.

Bilateral differences in the vertical distance were significantly greater in the roll-dominant group than in the yaw- and/or translation-dominant group (P < 0.05).

Comparison of soft tissue measurements between the sides and between the groups

A comparison of bilateral landmarks between the sides, vertically and transversely, revealed that all variables were significantly different (P < 0.05) except for the vertical distance of the nasal alae (Al) in the translation-dominant group, showing that they were canted-down at the NDv and deviated toward the Dv (Table 6, Figures 57). Anteroposteriorly, in the yaw-dominant group, all landmarks at the NDv were located significantly forward than those at the Dv (P < 0.001), whereas no significant difference was observed in the Midchin. Conversely, the Midchin at Dv was located significantly forward than NDv in the roll- and translation-dominant groups (P < 0.001). In addition, the angulation of the nasolabial fold was significantly greater at the Dv than that at the NDv in all groups (P < 0.001), indicating that the nasolabial fold ran rather horizontally at the Dv and vertically at the NDv.

Figure 5. Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the yaw-dominant group (frontal and modified-submentovertex views; *P < 0.05, significantly greater difference than roll- and/or translation-dominant group).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin.

Figure 6. Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the roll-dominant group (frontal view; *P < 0.05, significantly greater difference than yaw- and/or translation-dominant group).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour.

Figure 7. Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the translation-dominant group (frontal view).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour.

Table 6 . Comparison of soft tissue measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Vertical distance
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv24.37 ± 2.85< 0.001***24.27 ± 3.00< 0.001***23.35 ± 2.670.181
NDv25.81 ± 2.7425.04 ± 3.1824.08 ± 2.55
ΔNDv−Dv1.44 ± 0.83a-0.77 ± 1.03b-0.73 ± 0.84b-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv26.67 ± 2.84< 0.001***26.81 ± 3.02< 0.001***25.77 ± 2.710.001**
NDv28.15 ± 2.7727.55 ± 3.2826.46 ± 2.49
ΔNDv−Dv1.48 ± 0.96a-0.74 ± 0.90b-0.68 ± 0.97b-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv56.41 ± 3.78< 0.001***55.94 ± 4.85< 0.001***55.14 ± 4.18< 0.001***
NDv59.65 ± 4.1957.96 ± 5.2557.21 ± 3.98
ΔNDv−Dv3.24 ± 1.32a-1.76 ± 1.23b-2.06 ± 0.88b-
Dv101.88 ± 6.53< 0.001***102.54 ± 6.60< 0.001***101.58 ± 8.17< 0.001***
NDv104.02 ± 6.89103.65 ± 6.97102.20 ± 8.10
ΔNDv−Dv2.13 ± 1.14a-1.10 ± 0.95b-0.62 ± 0.77b-
Transverse distance-
Glabella (G’)−0.14 ± 1.06-0.12 ± 1.16-−0.20 ± 1.22
Nasion (N’)0.06 ± 1.05-0.27 ± 1.03-0.11 ± 1.06-
Pronasale (Prn)0.69 ± 1.54a-1.99 ± 1.72b-0.91 ± 1.48a-
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv19.58 ± 2.02a0.037*20.86 ± 2.14b< 0.001***19.71 ± 1.78a,b< 0.001***
NDv18.46 ± 1.9017.63 ± 2.3517.93 ± 1.53
ΔNDv−Dv−1.12 ± 2.81a-−3.23 ± 2.91b-−1.78 ± 2.41a,b-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv19.87 ± 1.720.006**20.82 ± 1.86< 0.001***20.13 ± 1.79< 0.001***
NDv18.41 ± 1.7817.92 ± 2.4818.13 ± 1.26
ΔNDv−Dv−1.45 ± 2.71-−2.90 ± 2.82-−2.00 ± 2.22-
Nasolabial fold (NLF)
Dv30.49 ± 3.40< 0.001***31.37 ± 3.58< 0.001***29.98 ± 3.48< 0.001***
NDv26.23 ± 3.0626.31 ± 3.6925.90 ± 2.90
ΔNDv−Dv−4.26 ± 3.57-−5.06 ± 3.40-−4.08 ± 2.53-
Subnasale (Sn)1.08 ± 1.43a-2.05 ± 1.72b-1.30 ± 1.16a,b-
Labrale superioris (Ls)1.92 ± 1.54-2.97 ± 2.15-1.94 ± 1.37-
Stomion superioris (Stms)2.56 ± 1.59-3.48 ± 2.31-2.42 ± 1.41-
Stomion inferioris (Stmi)3.34 ± 1.69-4.27 ± 2.56-3.11 ± 1.71-
Labrale inferioris (Li)4.29 ± 1.84-5.30 ± 2.98-3.99 ± 1.81-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv26.08 ± 2.80a< 0.001***28.44 ± 3.52b< 0.001***26.16 ± 2.59a< 0.001***
NDv20.42 ± 2.6220.30 ± 3.0320.24 ± 2.49
ΔNDv−Dv−5.67 ± 4.34-−8.15 ± 4.57-−5.92 ± 3.43-
Soft tissue B point (B’)5.19 ± 2.08-5.88 ± 3.12-4.43 ± 1.91-
Soft tissue pogonion (Pog’)6.86 ± 2.67a,b-7.10 ± 3.50a-5.35 ± 2.13b-
Soft tissue menton (Me’)8.14 ± 3.22a-7.69 ± 3.69a,b-5.94 ± 2.27b-
Anteroposterior distance
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv27.55 ± 4.500.20528.07 ± 3.97< 0.001***28.40 ± 3.880.050
NDv27.97 ± 4.6429.20 ± 4.2229.01 ± 4.02
ΔNDv−Dv0.43 ± 1.81-1.13 ± 1.23-0.61 ± 1.63-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv22.10 ± 4.510.27822.59 ± 3.34< 0.001***23.19 ± 3.760.113
NDv22.36 ± 4.7723.91 ± 3.7723.60 ± 3.91
ΔNDv−Dv0.26 ± 1.28a-1.32 ± 1.13b-0.41 ± 1.37a-
Nasolabial fold (NLF)
Dv21.39 ± 5.010.05722.53 ± 3.53< 0.001***23.19 ± 4.080.008**
NDv21.84 ± 4.8424.57 ± 4.3623.80 ± 4.34
ΔNDv−Dv0.46 ± 1.26a-2.04 ± 1.81b-0.60 ± 1.16a-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv24.50 ± 5.450.12026.23 ± 4.670.001**26.97 ± 5.210.234
NDv23.89 ± 5.12a27.56 ± 5.12b26.66 ± 5.08a,b
ΔNDv−Dv−0.62 ± 2.10a-1.33 ± 2.05b-−0.32 ± 1.43a-
Dv25.17 ± 6.12a< 0.001***29.73 ± 7.28b0.36929.96 ± 6.68b< 0.001***
NDv23.55 ± 6.27a29.95 ± 7.84b28.86 ± 6.53b
ΔNDv−Dv−1.63 ± 1.67a-0.22 ± 1.31b-−1.11 ± 1.21a-
Nasal bridge to MSP0.79 ± 1.19a-2.10 ± 1.77b-1.16 ± 1.54a-
Philtrum to MSP3.67 ± 2.34-3.97 ± 3.50-3.12 ± 1.86-
Ch line to FHP3.95 ± 1.51a-2.09 ± 1.47b-2.55 ± 1.09b-
Chin midline to MSP4.90 ± 2.71a-3.04 ± 1.85b-2.55 ± 1.41b-
Nasolabial fold to MSP
Dv42.28 ± 7.98< 0.001***43.04 ± 7.05< 0.001***40.55 ± 7.29< 0.001***
NDv36.75 ± 7.3838.00 ± 6.9135.37 ± 8.57
ΔNDv−Dv−5.54 ± 5.38-−5.05 ± 4.36-−5.17 ± 5.09-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; -, not applicable.

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test.

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; significant difference at *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv.

When comparing ΔNDv−Dv of the vertical distance between the groups, the roll-dominant group exhibited significantly greater values than the other groups (P < 0.05), indicating a bigger transverse line cant of the bilateral landmarks. For the ΔNDv−Dv of transverse distance, the yaw-dominant group showed the greatest difference between the sides, although statistical significance was found only at the Al (P = 0.01). Anteroposteriorly, all ΔNDv−Dv values were significantly greater in the yaw-dominant group than in the other groups (P < 0.05), except that of the Al.

Regarding the transverse distance of midline landmarks, the pronasale (Prn) and subnasale of the yaw-dominant group significantly deviated to the Dv more than those of the roll- and translation-dominant groups (P < 0.05).

Regarding the line angulations, the Nasal bridge (N’-Prn) was significantly inclined to the Dv in the yaw-dominant group (2.10°; P < 0.05) compared with that in the other groups (roll, 0.79°; translation, 1.16°). The angulation of the Chin midline and Ch line was significantly greater in the roll-dominant group (Chin midline, 4.90°; Ch line, 3.95°; P < 0.05) than in the yaw- (Chin midline, 3.04°; Ch line, 2.09°) and translation-dominant groups (Chin midline, 2.55°; Ch line, 2.55°). Philtrum angulation was not significantly different between the groups.

Relationship between the soft tissue and skeletal/dental measurements

The ratio of Me’ deviation to the Me deviation was not significantly different between the groups (roll, 0.87; yaw, 0.84; translation, 0.87) (Table 7).

Table 7 . Comparison of the Me’ deviation ratio relative to Me deviation between the three mandibular asymmetry groups

Me’ deviation/Me deviation0.87 ± 0.140.84 ± 0.170.87 ± 0.13

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

Me’, soft tissue menton; Me, menton.

No significant difference was observed between the 3 groups.

Table 8 shows the correlation between soft tissue line angulation and skeletal/dental measurements. In the roll-dominant group, the angulation of the Chin midline or Ch line was positively correlated with mandibular rolling (∠MHP to FHP; P < 0.01) and Me and MFmid deviations (P < 0.001). In addition, the bilateral difference in the vertical position of the mandibular canine or molar showed a positive correlation with the angulation of the Chin midline (mandibular canine, P < 0.01; mandibular molar, P < 0.05) or Ch line (mandibular canine, P < 0.001; mandibular molar, P < 0.01). In the yaw-dominant group, all soft tissue line angulation variables were positively correlated with Me (Nasal bridge, Philtrum, P < 0.001; Chin midline, Ch line, P < 0.01) and MFmid deviations (Nasal bridge, Chin midline, P < 0.01; Philtrum, Ch line, P < 0.001). Mandibular yawing (∠MnMSP to MSP) was also positively correlated with the Nasal bridge (P < 0.01) and Philtrum angulations (P < 0.001). In the translation-dominant group, the Nasal bridge and Chin midline angulations were positively correlated with Me and MFmid deviations (P < 0.05). Chin midline or Ch line angulation was positively correlated with bilateral differences in the vertical position of the mandibular canine and molar (P < 0.05).

Table 8 . Pearson’s correlation coefficients between line angulation of soft tissue and skeletal/dental measurements

Nasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh lineNasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh lineNasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh line
Me deviation−0.0060.2460.791***0.728***0.574***0.727***0.560**0.547**0.405*0.3210.603***0.354
MFmid deviation0.0110.2730.751***0.709***0.599**0.696***0.582**0.612***0.426*0.2890.568**0.320
∠MHP to FHP−0.0680.2410.554**0.655***−0.2010.1430.3180.290−0.1360.0720.2820.284
∠MnMSP to MSP−0.0010.2420.2390.3250.525**0.684***0.2260.0130.2000.1130.1450.177
Dental (ΔNDv–Dv)
UM to FHP0.238−0.0740.0150.2260.168−0.2420.2300.2900.257−0.0930.0990.031
UC to FHP0.0680.281−0.0870.1150.195−0.064< 0.0010.1600.491**−0.0520.0920.166
LM to FHP0.124−0.0400.431*0.521**0.309−0.1280.1360.390*0.3550.1840.449*0.412*
LC to FHP−0.0350.1450.527**0.632***0.1210.0750.2910.3650.283−0.1130.410*0.381*

Ch, cheilion; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the nondeviated and deviated sides; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine.

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.


To define the distinct manifestations of facial soft tissues based on each mandibular asymmetry type, the soft tissue variables were compared between the different asymmetry types. In accordance with earlier studies that mentioned that internal skeletal asymmetry was rather masked by the soft tissue,9,24 the Me’/Me deviation ratio was 0.84 to 0.87 in this study. Interestingly, the ratio was not significantly different between the asymmetry types, indicating that the internal Me deviation was masked by the soft tissue at a uniform rate, irrespective of the roll-, yaw-, or translation-dominant mandibular deviation. The other soft tissue positions assessed in three dimensions, however, were quite different according to the mandibular asymmetry type.

The roll-dominant group demonstrated greater vertical differences in the bilateral landmarks of the soft tissue than the other groups (Figures 5 and 8). Notably, the transverse lip cant was more prominent than the other groups, and the value was highly related to Me deviation as suggested in previous studies.10,19 Interestingly, in this study, the lip cant also presented a high correlation with mandibular rolling. This might be related to the depressor anguli oris muscle that is highly associated with the vertical position of the lip corner and is attached to the side of the mandibular body.25 Once the mandible rolled, the muscle might be positioned more inferior at the NDv than at the Dv, which possibly canted down the lip corner at the NDv. Hence, to correct lip line canting, the Me should be surgically moved toward the NDv sufficiently to position itself on the MSP along with sufficient mandibular rolling correction. Importantly, the transverse occlusal cant of both jaws should be completely corrected in advance to accomplish sufficient mandibular rolling. Regarding soft tissue asymmetry of the chin, the vertical position of the Subchin at the NDv was more inferior than that of the Dv, indicating that the lower chin contour of the NDv was canted down, and the angulation of the Chin midline was positively correlated with mandibular rolling. To achieve bilaterally balanced soft tissues in the chin of the roll-dominant asymmetric mandible, the mandibular rolling correction along with the lateral movement to the NDv could be emphasized repeatedly. If a certain amount of asymmetry remains after mandibular surgery even with proper rolling and positional correction, supplementary osteotomy on the inferior border of the body can be considered.26,27 Accordingly, in patients with facial asymmetry presenting with moderate-to-severe lip cant and side-to-side discrepancy of the soft tissue around the nose and chin in the vertical direction, treatment would need to focus on mandibular rolling to deal with these soft tissue deviations.

Figure 8. Color maps showing the soft tissue differences in distance between the original and mirrored images based on the midsagittal plane for each mandibular asymmetry type. The color maps were constructed using three-dimensional analysis software (Geomagic Control X; 3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC, USA). When original soft tissues were positioned out of or lateral to the mirrored images, yellow to red colors were mapped based on the distance, and pale blue to blue colors were mapped for the mirrored images relative to the original images. Line angulations that presented a significant correlation with menton (Me) deviation (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001).
Ch, cheilion.

Meanwhile, for bilateral soft tissue comparison in the yaw-dominant group, the vertical difference was lower than that in the roll-dominant group. However, the lateral deviation of the nose and lips was the greatest among the three asymmetry groups (Figures 6 and 8). In addition, the extent of mandibular yawing positively correlated with the angulations of the Nasal bridge and Philtrum. This may be attributed to the horizontally-deviated anterior body of the yaw-dominant asymmetric mandible. Previous studies revealed that a deviated nasal septum was more closely associated with the horizontal growth difference than with the vertical difference.28,29 In addition, some previous studies highlighted that nasal asymmetry correction is more important for facial esthetics than chin asymmetry.30,31 Therefore, nasal deviation should be detected with attention, particularly in patients with yaw-dominant mandibular asymmetry. If required, rhinoplasty needs to be considered during or after jaw surgery to enhance the symmetry of the face.32,33 For the anteroposterior positions, the nasal- and lip-related landmarks at the NDv are located more anteriorly than those at the Dv. This bilateral discrepancy in facial frontal projection might be due to the mandibular yaw rotation that can lead to anteroposterior positional differences between the sides.15 Therefore, to improve this asymmetry, mandibular yaw correction, including more setback movement at the NDv and less setback or advancement at the Dv, would be required during skeletal Class III jaw surgery. Particularly, this frontal projection difference at the nasal-related soft tissue landmarks may be related to nasal deviation;27 thus, subalar grafting on the depressed Dv can be considered after jaw surgery for better symmetry of the facial projection and nasal axis.12,34 In clinics, facial photographs of the modified submentovertex view at 45° may also be useful for evaluating the bilateral differences in the soft tissue projection (Figures 6 and 8). Therefore, if significant lateral deviations of the nasal- and lip-related soft tissues and bilateral differences in facial projection are observed, sufficient yaw correction of the mandible might be required in treatment planning. Thereafter, supplementary graft surgery would be considered if needed. Transverse lip cant in this group was highly correlated with Me and body deviation to the MSP, but not with mandibular yawing; thus, sufficient lateral body movement to the NDv would be required for a balanced lip line.

Patients with translation-dominant mandibular asymmetry showed differences in the vertical and transverse directions between the bilateral landmarks (Figures 7 and 8). Despite the lower Me or Me’ deviation, the translation-dominant group presented a similar or not significantly lesser transverse deviation of landmarks around the lips (Ls, Li, Stms, Stmi, and B’) compared with the other groups. Hence, lateral translation of the mandible to the Dv, might contribute to lip deviation. To fully improve the deviated soft tissues, the mandible should be moved to the NDv by bodily translation along with the lateral movement of the Go during jaw surgery.

Collectively, facial soft tissues showed different deviation patterns according to the mandibular asymmetry types. Even though the amount of hard-tissue menton deviations did not differ according to the types in this study, the facial soft tissues were quite different. Therefore, the orthognathic surgical plan, including orthodontic decompensation, should differ according to type. The roll-dominant group was closely associated with the vertical difference between the sides, and the amount of mandibular rolling presented a positive correlation with transverse lip cant. Thus, proper correction of mandibular rolling is imperative in jaw surgery accompanied by appropriate dental decompensation. By contrast, the yaw-dominant group demonstrated a large extent of soft tissue deviation, both transversely and anteroposteriorly. In particular, the extent of mandibular yawing was highly correlated with nasal and philtrum asymmetries. Therefore, sufficient lateral movement of the mandible with yaw correction is mandatory, and rhinoplasty should be considered in treatment planning. From a clinical viewpoint, the surgical plan needs to differ according to mandibular asymmetry type, although the soft tissue menton deviation is the same. The relationship between soft and hard tissue deviations evaluated in this study may be useful in establishing guidelines for appropriate tooth and jaw movements to accomplish satisfactory facial esthetics.

Although this study successfully assessed soft tissue deviations in each mandibular asymmetry type, the soft tissue changes related to hard tissue movements by treatment were not evaluated. Therefore, further investigation is needed to determine the differences in soft tissue changes after treatment between different asymmetry types.


The null hypothesis of this study was rejected.

Facial soft tissue deviations were differently demonstrated for each mandibular asymmetry type in Class III patients. Roll-dominant asymmetry predominantly exhibited vertical differences between sides, whereas yaw-dominant asymmetry was closely related to transverse and anteroposterior deviations. A complete understanding of soft tissue deviation in each mandibular asymmetry type would be valuable for achieving an esthetic and symmetrical face.


None to declare.


Conceptualization: HSP, HJK. Data curation: HJK, HKN. Formal analysis: HJK, HKN. Investigation: HJK, HKN. Methodology: HKN, HSP. Project administration: HSP. Supervision: HSP. Validation: HJK. Writing–original draft: HJK. Writing–review & editing: HJK, HKN, HSP.


No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.


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Original Article

Korean J Orthod 2023; 53(6): 402-419   https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

First Published Date September 7, 2023, Publication Date November 25, 2023

Copyright © The Korean Association of Orthodontists.

Differences in facial soft tissue deviations in Class III patients with different types of mandibular asymmetry: A cone-beam computed tomography study

Ho-Jin Kim , Hyung-Kyu Noh, Hyo-Sang Park

Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

Correspondence to:Hyo-Sang Park.
Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, 2175 Dalgubeol-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu 41940, Korea.
Tel +82-53-600-7373 e-mail parkhs@knu.ac.kr

How to cite this article: Kim HJ, Noh HK, Park HS. Differences in facial soft tissue deviations in Class III patients with different types of mandibular asymmetry: A cone-beam computed tomography study. Korean J Orthod 2023;53(6):402-419. https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Received: May 11, 2023; Revised: August 25, 2023; Accepted: September 4, 2023

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Objective: This study assessed the differences in soft tissue deviations of the nose, lips, and chin between different mandibular asymmetry types in Class III patients. Methods: Cone-beam computed tomography data from 90 Class III patients with moderate-to-severe facial asymmetry were investigated. The sample was divided into three groups based on the extent of mandibular rolling, yawing, and translation. Soft tissue landmarks on the nose, lips, and chin were investigated vertically, transversely, and anteroposteriorly. A paired t test was performed to compare variables between the deviated (Dv) and nondeviated (NDv) sides, and one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test was performed for intergroup comparisons. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the relationship between the soft and hard tissue deviations. Results: The roll-dominant group showed significantly greater differences in the vertical positions of the soft tissue landmarks between the Dv and NDv than other groups (P < 0.05), whereas the yaw-dominant group exhibited larger differences in the transverse and anteroposterior directions (P < 0.05). Moreover, transverse lip cant was correlated with the menton (Me) deviation and mandibular rolling in the roll-dominant group (P < 0.001); the angulation of the nasal bridge or philtrum was correlated with the Me deviation and mandibular yawing in the yaw-dominant group (P < 0.01). Conclusions: The three-dimensional deviations of facial soft tissue differed based on the mandibular asymmetry types in Class III patients with similar amounts of Me deviation. A precise understanding of soft tissue deviation in each asymmetry type would help achieve satisfactory facial esthetics.

Keywords: Cone-beam computed tomography, Facial asymmetry, Mandibular asymmetry type, Soft tissue deviation


In recent years, demands for improving facial asymmetry along with esthetic perception have increased. Improvement in facial asymmetry is attributed to an in-depth diagnostic analysis of underlying hard tissue and facial soft tissue.1-3 With the aid of current three-dimensional (3D) imaging techniques, such as cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and facial scanning, precise diagnostic data can be obtained to analyze the hard and soft tissue features of patients.4,5 Notably, as perceived facial asymmetry mostly depends on soft tissue features, treatment success relies on the soft tissue outcome. Therefore, a sufficient understanding of the soft tissue deviation relative to skeletal asymmetry is crucial to ensure high treatment predictability.

The prevalence of asymmetry is higher in skeletal Class III patients than in Class I or II patients.6-8 Considering the fact that the mandible is affected in 74% of facial asymmetry patients,6 the influence of mandibular asymmetry on the facial soft tissue might be crucial. As the asymmetric mandibles have different amounts of yaw and roll rotations and related morphologic alterations, the facial soft tissue could be affected accordingly. However, previous studies that have reported soft tissue menton (Me’) deviation, transverse cant or lateral deviation of the lips, and nasal deviation were only based on a single asymmetry group.9-12 Because of this limitation, it would be difficult to elaborate on which part of soft tissue deviations is closely associated with a certain deviation of the underlying bone.

By grouping different asymmetry types, previous studies have effectively revealed the respective traits of dental compensation in each asymmetry type.13,14 Mandibular asymmetry can be clearly described using 3D rotations, such as roll and yaw, or translation, as suggested by Ackerman et al.15 These terminologies are commonly used to indicate exact dentofacial positions, whereas several new specific classifications of mandibular asymmetry have been reported in other previous studies,13,16,17 thus enhancing our understanding of the relationship between hard and soft tissue deviations. Meanwhile, regarding methodologies of soft tissue analysis, earlier studies mainly measured the deviation of the lips or Me’ position but rarely measured the deviation in other areas, such as the nose, nasolabial fold, and chin contour.10,11,18,19 In addition, the soft tissues were quantified three-dimensionally using the volume or thickness of multiple grid-based areas in other previous studies;1,3,20 however, the averaged values of the areas might obscure precise measurements on specific landmarks. These limited data may lead to low predictability of soft tissue changes and insufficient improvement in facial asymmetry after surgery. In other words, by measuring soft tissue vertically, transversely, and anteroposteriorly with more specific landmarks, the 3D soft tissue deviation patterns related to each mandibular asymmetry type would be clearly obtained and easily understood by clinicians, and this information can be used to predict the soft tissue responses of each soft tissue after surgical skeletal movement of different mandibular asymmetry types.

Therefore, this study aimed to measure the 3D soft tissue deviation of the nose, lips, and chin in Class III patients with roll-, yaw-, and translation-dominant mandibular asymmetries. The soft tissue measurements were also assessed to determine their correlation with the underlying skeletal and dental measurements. The null hypothesis was that there would be no significant difference in soft tissue deviations between the different mandibular asymmetry types.


This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Kyungpook National University Dental Hospital (KNUDH-2022-12-03-00).

The sample size was determined using G*power (version; Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany) with reference to previous CBCT research on soft tissue analysis.4 The appropriate sample size was calculated to be 28 patients in each group, with a test power of 0.80, a two-sided significance level of 0.05, and an effect size of 0.78. To increase the power of this study, 30 patients were enrolled in each group.

The inclusion criteria were as follows: patients with skeletal Class III relationship (point A-nasion-point B angle [ANB] < 0°), moderate-to-severe facial asymmetry (> 4 mm menton [Me] deviation relative to the midsagittal plane [MSP]),21,22 and no or mild dental crowding (tooth size-arch length discrepancy < 3 mm). The exclusion criteria were as follows: patients with congenital missing teeth except for the third molars, dental spacing, dental prosthesis, and a history of previous orthodontic treatment, orthognathic surgery, or craniofacial syndrome and/or trauma.

The total sample group included 90 patients (59 males and 31 females; age, 21.75 ± 2.78 years; age range, 18–37.9 years) who underwent an orthodontic diagnosis using CBCT scans at Kyungpook National University Dental Hospital, Daegu, Korea, between January 2010 and December 2018. Cone beam computed tomography scans (120 kVp, 15 mA, 19-cm field of view, 0.377 mm voxel size, 9.6-s scan time) were acquired using a CT scanner (CB MercuRay, Hitachi, Osaka, Japan), and variables were measured using the Invivo 6 anatomy imaging software (Anatomage, San Jose, CA, USA).

The enrolled patients were classified into three asymmetry groups according to the extent of mandibular rolling (the angle formed by the mandibular horizontal plane [MHP] to Frankfort horizontal plane [FHP]), yawing (the angle formed by the mandibular midsagittal plane [MnMSP] to MSP), and translation (the distance between the midpoint of bilateral mental foramen [MFmid] and MSP) (Figure 1).22 The roll-dominant group consisted of patients with > 5° mandibular rolling and < 3° mandibular yawing; the yaw-dominant group, patients with > 5° mandibular yawing and < 3° mandibular rolling; and the translation-dominant group, patients with < 3° mandibular rolling and yawing and > 4 mm MFmid deviation relative to MSP.

Figure 1. A, Skeletal landmarks and cranial reference planes. B, Mandibular rolling and yawing based on the mandibular reference planes.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Cg, crista galli; Or, orbitale; Po, porion; Go, gonion; MF, mental foramen; PM, protuberance menti; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of the bilateral MF; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Mn, mandibular; Rt, right; Lt, left; Op, opisthion.

Cephalometric variables were measured to investigate the sagittal and vertical skeletal relationships in each group.

Definitions of soft tissue, skeletal, and dental landmarks and variables used in this study are described in Tables 1 and 2, and Figures 14.

Figure 2. Skeletal and dental measurements. A, Skeletal distance and angulation. B, Dental vertical distance.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Go, gonion; MSP, midsagittal plane; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; Me, menton; UM, maxillary first molar; NDv, nondeviated side; LM, mandibular first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LC, mandibular canine; Dv, deviated side.

Figure 3. Soft tissue landmarks investigated in this study.
G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Al, nasal ala; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Sn, subnasale; Ls, labrale superius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; Ch, cheilion; Li, labrale inferius; B’, soft tissue B point; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Me, menton.

Figure 4. Soft tissue measurements. A, Vertical distance. B, Transverse distance (blue, bilateral landmarks; black, midline landmarks). C, Anteroposterior distance. D, Line angulation.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Al, nasal ala; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Ch, cheilion; Me, menton; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; MSP, midsagittal plane; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ls, labrale superius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; Li, labrale inferius; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin.

Table 1 . Landmarks and reference planes used in this study.

OrThe most inferior point of the lower orbital margin
PoThe most superior point of the external auditory meatus
CgThe most superior point on the crista galli
OpThe midpoint of the posterior border of the foramen magnum
GoThe most inferior point of gonial angle on the lateral view
CdThe most superior point of the condylar head
MeThe most inferior point on the symphyseal outline
MFThe most inferior point of the mental foramen
MFmidThe midpoint of the MF of both sides
PMThe point where the curvature changes from concave to convex at the most anterior symphyseal border
UMThe central fossa of the maxillary first molar
UCThe cusp tip of the maxillary canine
LMThe central fossa of the mandibular first molar
LCThe cusp tip of the mandibular canine
Soft tissue
G’The most anterior midpoint of the forehead
N’The most posterior midpoint on the contour of the nasal root
PrnThe most anterior midpoint of the nasal tip
SnThe midpoint located at the junction of the nasal columella and upper lip
AlThe most lateral point on each nasal alar contour
AcThe most posterior point on each alar-facial groove
LsThe midpoint of the vermilion line of the upper lip
LiThe midpoint of the vermilion line of the lower lip
StmsThe most inferior midpoint of the lower border of the upper lip
StmiThe most superior midpoint of the upper border of the lower lip
NLFThe most posterior point on each nasolabial fold at the vertical level of the midpoint of Sn and Ls
ChThe most lateral point on each labial commissure
B’The most posterior midpoint on the mentolabial sulcus
Pog’The most anterior midpoint of the chin
Me’The most inferior midpoint on the lower contour of the chin
SubchinThe point on each lower contour of the chin at the 15mm lateral to Me’
MidchinThe point on each chin contour at the level of the midpoint of Ch and Subchin
Reference plane
Frankfort horizontal plane (FHP)The plane passing by Po of both sides and right Or
Midsagittal plane (MSP)The plane passing by Cg and Op, perpendicular to the FHP
Coronal planeThe plane passing by Cg, perpendicular to the FHP and MSP
Mandibular horizontal plane (MHP)The plane passing by three points, bilateral MFs and PM
Mandibular midsagittal plane (MnMSP)The plane passing by Me and MFmid, perpendicular to the MHP

Or, orbitale; Po, porion; Cg, crista galli; Op, opisthion; Go, gonion; Cd, condylion; Me, menton; MF, mental foramen; PM, protuberance menti; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Ls, labrale superius; Li, labrale inferius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton..

Table 2 . Variables measured in this study.

Menton deviationThe distance between Me and MSP
Body lengthThe distance between Me and Go
Ramus heightThe distance between Go and Cd
Go to MSPThe distance between the Go and MSP
MFmid deviationThe distance between the MFmid and MSP
Ramus inclinationThe angle between the ramus axial line (Cd-Go) and MSP
∠MHP to FHPThe angle between the MHP and FHP (projected on the coronal plane)
∠MnMSP to MSPThe angle between the MnMSP and MSP (projected on the FHP)
Vertical distance
UM or UC to FHPThe distance between the UM or UC and FHP
LM or LC to FHPThe distance between the LM or LC and FHP
Soft tissue
Vertical distance
Al or Ac to FHPThe distance between the Al or Ac and FHP
Ch to FHPThe distance between the Ch and FHP
Subchin to FHPThe distance between the Subchin and FHP
Transverse distance
G’ or N’ to MSPThe distance between the G’ or N’ and MSP
Prn or Sn to MSPThe distance between the Prn or Sn and MSP
Al or Ac to MSPThe distance between the Al or Ac and MSP
NLF to MSPThe distance between the NLF and MSP
Ls or Li to MSPThe distance between the Ls or Li and MSP
Stms or Stmi to MSPThe distance between the Stms or Stmi and MSP
Ch to MSPThe distance between the Ch and MSP
B’, Pog’, or Me’ to MSPThe distance between the B’, Pog’, or Me’ to MSP
Anteroposterior distance
Al or Ac to coronal planeThe distance between the Al or Ac and coronal plane
NLF to coronal planeThe distance between the NLF and coronal plane
Ch to coronal planeThe distance between the Ch and coronal plane
Midchin to coronal planeThe distance between the Midchin and coronal plane
Vertical line angulation
Nasal bridge to MSPThe angle between the nasal bridge (N’-Prn) and MSP
Philtrum to MSPThe angle between the philtrum line (Sn-Ls) and MSP
Chin midline to MSPThe angle between the chin midline (Li-Me’) and MSP
Nasolabial fold to MSPThe angle between the nasolabial fold line (Ac-NLF) and MSP
Transverse line angulation
Ch line to FHPThe angle between the Ch line (Ch_NDv-Ch_Dv) and FHP

Me, menton; MSP, midsagittal plane; Go, gonion; Cd, condylion; MF, mental foramen; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; Ls, labrale superius; Li, labrale inferius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane..

For the distance variables of the soft tissue, landmarks were evaluated in the sagittal, vertical, and transverse directions (Figure 4). To perform a reliable comparison of soft and hard tissues, cranium-based reference planes, such as the FHP and MSP, were equally used to measure the soft tissue, skeletal, and dental variables.9,23 For bilateral landmarks, the difference in the distance between the deviated (Dv) and nondeviated (NDv) sides (ΔNDv−Dv) was calculated. For midline landmarks, a positive value of the distance was set as the landmark positioned at the Dv, and a negative value was set as the landmark positioned at the NDv.

To further investigate the facial soft tissue, new landmarks of the nasolabial fold and chin area, such as NLF, Midchin, and Subchin, were included in this study. To assess the overall patterns of soft tissue deviation, the angulations of the facial midline and transverse line, such as the nasal bridge, philtrum, chin midline, and transverse lip line, were calculated.

To compare soft tissue measurements with underlying skeletal or dental measurements, cranium-based planes, such as the MSP, FHP, and coronal planes, were used as reference planes (Figure 1). In addition, to compare the differences in the soft tissue and skeletal chin deviations between the groups, the ratio of soft tissue (Me’) deviation to hard tissue (Me) deviation was calculated for each group. Correlations between soft tissue and skeletal/dental measurements were calculated to determine the relationship between soft and hard tissue deviations.

All the measurements were performed by a single investigator (HJ Kim). For the reliability test, 10 randomly selected patients were reevaluated by the same investigator after 2 weeks. The mean intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.977 (range, 0.957–0.977), and the mean Dahlberg errors were 0.72 mm (range, 0.46–0.86) and 0.71° (range, 0.37–1.07).

The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test showed data normality. A paired t test was used to compare the variables of the sides, and one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test was performed to compare the variables of the three groups. Linear-by-linear association was used to compare the sex distribution between the groups, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to determine the relationship between soft tissue and skeletal/dental variables. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05, and SPSS statistical software (version 22; IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) was used.


Comparison of sex distribution, age, and cephalometric measurements between the groups

No significant differences in sex distribution or age were observed between the three mandibular asymmetry groups (Table 3). In terms of the sagittal and vertical skeletal patterns, the patients in this study did not show a significant difference in cephalometric measurements between the groups.

Table 3 . Demographic characteristics and cephalometric measurements of the sample.

RollYawTranslationP value
Demographic characteristics
Male (n)192218
Female (n)11812
Age (yr)21.60 ± 2.3321.59 ± 2.1722.05 ± 3.66
Cephalometric measurements
SNA (°)80.08 ± 3.0480.66 ± 2.5281.57 ± 3.20
SNB (°)82.34 ± 3.0884.07 ± 4.5284.28 ± 3.45
ANB (°)−2.26 ± 2.03−3.40 ± 3.20−2.79 ± 2.60
FMA (°)27.88 ± 5.0327.19 ± 5.5525.28 ± 5.66

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation..

Linear-by-linear association was performed to compare the sex distribution between the groups..

No significant difference was observed between the 3 groups..

SNA, sella-nasion-point A angle; SNB, sella-nasion-point B angle; ANB, point A-nasion-point B angle; FMA, Frankfort-mandibular plane angle..

Comparison of skeletal measurements between the sides and between the groups

Comparison of bilateral measurements between the Dv and NDv revealed that body length and ramus height and inclination were significantly greater at the NDv than those at the Dv (P < 0.05) in each group (Table 4). In addition, the distance between the gonion (Go) and MSP was longer at the Dv than at the NDv (P < 0.001).

Table 4 . Comparison of skeletal measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups.

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Me deviation (mm)9.28 ± 3.06a-8.93 ± 3.80a-6.74 ± 2.13b-
Body length (mm)
Dv80.69 ± 5.260.002**80.33 ± 5.00< 0.001***80.65 ± 5.130.023*
NDv82.06 ± 5.5084.87 ± 5.4482.07 ± 5.16
ΔNDv−Dv1.37 ± 2.20a-4.54 ± 2.79b-1.42 ± 3.25a-
Ramus height (mm)
Dv65.36 ± 6.32< 0.001***68.86 ± 6.33< 0.001***68.53 ± 7.29< 0.001***
NDv73.44 ± 6.3571.02 ± 5.8071.41 ± 6.70
ΔNDv−Dv8.09 ± 3.64a-2.16 ± 2.95b-2.88 ± 2.43b-
Ramus inclination (°)
Dv1.88 ± 2.36a< 0.001***2.47 ± 2.20a,b0.001**3.45 ± 2.46b< 0.001***
NDv7.34 ± 2.64a4.77 ± 2.99b7.57 ± 3.15a
ΔNDv−Dv5.46 ± 2.89a-2.30 ± 3.41b-4.11 ± 3.73a,b-
MFmid deviation (mm)7.12 ± 2.70-6.91 ± 3.43-5.92 ± 2.03-
Go to MSP (mm)
Dv50.88 ± 4.64< 0.001***49.35 ± 3.06< 0.001***50.04 ± 3.80< 0.001***
NDv43.89 ± 4.11a46.48 ± 4.23b43.31 ± 3.60a
ΔNDv−Dv−7.00 ± 5.14a-−2.87 ± 3.67b-−6.73 ± 4.12a-
MHP to FHP (°)6.18 ± 1.24a-0.87 ± 1.28b-1.62 ± 0.94c-
MnMSP to MSP (°)1.76 ± 1.08a-8.35 ± 3.41b-2.06 ± 0.74a-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; Go, gonion; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane; -, not applicable..

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to a one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test..

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; significant difference at *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv..

Regarding the comparison of the skeletal variables between the groups, the amount of Me deviation was significantly greater in the roll- and yaw-dominant groups (roll, 9.28 mm; yaw, 8.93 mm) than in the translation-dominant group (6.74 mm; P < 0.05). For the bilateral body length difference and angulation between the MnMSP and MSP, the yaw-dominant group presented the highest values (ΔNDv−Dv of body length, 4.54 mm; ∠MnMSP to MSP, 8.35°; P < 0.05) among the three groups. In addition, the bilateral ramus height difference and angulation between the MHP and FHP were significantly higher in the roll-dominant group (ΔNDv−Dv of ramus height, 8.09 mm; ∠MHP to FHP, 6.18°; P < 0.05) than in the other groups. Thus, the roll-dominant group showed higher mandibular rolling asymmetry, and the yaw-dominant group presented higher mandibular yawing asymmetry.

Comparison of dental measurements between the sides and between the groups

As presented in Table 5, all vertical distances of the canine and first molar of both jaws were significantly greater at the NDv than those at the Dv in the three groups (P < 0.001), except for the maxillary canine and first molar of the translation-dominant group.

Table 5 . Comparison of dental measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups.

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Dv49.75 ± 3.83< 0.001***50.18 ± 3.91< 0.001***49.24 ± 3.790.170
NDv51.70 ± 4.0351.31 ± 3.9949.62 ± 3.87
ΔNDv−Dv1.94 ± 1.58a-1.13 ± 1.37a,b-0.38 ± 1.47b-
Dv55.03 ± 3.75< 0.001***55.29 ± 4.75< 0.001***53.64 ± 4.210.060
NDv56.65 ± 3.9656.12 ± 4.6054.12 ± 4.19
ΔNDv−Dv1.62 ± 1.18a-0.83 ± 1.01b-0.48 ± 1.34b-
Dv52.22 ± 3.97< 0.001***53.20 ± 4.69< 0.001***52.34 ± 4.39< 0.001***
NDv54.68 ± 4.3454.98 ± 4.5853.41 ± 4.47
ΔNDv−Dv2.45 ± 1.15a-1.78 ± 1.30a,b-1.07 ± 1.32b-
Dv54.60 ± 4.94< 0.001***54.96 ± 5.24< 0.001***53.08 ± 4.47< 0.001***
NDv56.67 ± 5.0156.29 ± 5.1154.09 ± 4.70
ΔNDv−Dv2.07 ± 1.39a-1.32 ± 0.95a,b-1.01 ± 1.28b-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; UM, maxillary first molar; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; -, not applicable..

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test..

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; ***significant difference at P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv..

Bilateral differences in the vertical distance were significantly greater in the roll-dominant group than in the yaw- and/or translation-dominant group (P < 0.05).

Comparison of soft tissue measurements between the sides and between the groups

A comparison of bilateral landmarks between the sides, vertically and transversely, revealed that all variables were significantly different (P < 0.05) except for the vertical distance of the nasal alae (Al) in the translation-dominant group, showing that they were canted-down at the NDv and deviated toward the Dv (Table 6, Figures 57). Anteroposteriorly, in the yaw-dominant group, all landmarks at the NDv were located significantly forward than those at the Dv (P < 0.001), whereas no significant difference was observed in the Midchin. Conversely, the Midchin at Dv was located significantly forward than NDv in the roll- and translation-dominant groups (P < 0.001). In addition, the angulation of the nasolabial fold was significantly greater at the Dv than that at the NDv in all groups (P < 0.001), indicating that the nasolabial fold ran rather horizontally at the Dv and vertically at the NDv.

Figure 5. Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the yaw-dominant group (frontal and modified-submentovertex views; *P < 0.05, significantly greater difference than roll- and/or translation-dominant group).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin.

Figure 6. Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the roll-dominant group (frontal view; *P < 0.05, significantly greater difference than yaw- and/or translation-dominant group).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour.

Figure 7. Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the translation-dominant group (frontal view).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour.

Table 6 . Comparison of soft tissue measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups.

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Vertical distance
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv24.37 ± 2.85< 0.001***24.27 ± 3.00< 0.001***23.35 ± 2.670.181
NDv25.81 ± 2.7425.04 ± 3.1824.08 ± 2.55
ΔNDv−Dv1.44 ± 0.83a-0.77 ± 1.03b-0.73 ± 0.84b-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv26.67 ± 2.84< 0.001***26.81 ± 3.02< 0.001***25.77 ± 2.710.001**
NDv28.15 ± 2.7727.55 ± 3.2826.46 ± 2.49
ΔNDv−Dv1.48 ± 0.96a-0.74 ± 0.90b-0.68 ± 0.97b-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv56.41 ± 3.78< 0.001***55.94 ± 4.85< 0.001***55.14 ± 4.18< 0.001***
NDv59.65 ± 4.1957.96 ± 5.2557.21 ± 3.98
ΔNDv−Dv3.24 ± 1.32a-1.76 ± 1.23b-2.06 ± 0.88b-
Dv101.88 ± 6.53< 0.001***102.54 ± 6.60< 0.001***101.58 ± 8.17< 0.001***
NDv104.02 ± 6.89103.65 ± 6.97102.20 ± 8.10
ΔNDv−Dv2.13 ± 1.14a-1.10 ± 0.95b-0.62 ± 0.77b-
Transverse distance-
Glabella (G’)−0.14 ± 1.06-0.12 ± 1.16-−0.20 ± 1.22
Nasion (N’)0.06 ± 1.05-0.27 ± 1.03-0.11 ± 1.06-
Pronasale (Prn)0.69 ± 1.54a-1.99 ± 1.72b-0.91 ± 1.48a-
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv19.58 ± 2.02a0.037*20.86 ± 2.14b< 0.001***19.71 ± 1.78a,b< 0.001***
NDv18.46 ± 1.9017.63 ± 2.3517.93 ± 1.53
ΔNDv−Dv−1.12 ± 2.81a-−3.23 ± 2.91b-−1.78 ± 2.41a,b-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv19.87 ± 1.720.006**20.82 ± 1.86< 0.001***20.13 ± 1.79< 0.001***
NDv18.41 ± 1.7817.92 ± 2.4818.13 ± 1.26
ΔNDv−Dv−1.45 ± 2.71-−2.90 ± 2.82-−2.00 ± 2.22-
Nasolabial fold (NLF)
Dv30.49 ± 3.40< 0.001***31.37 ± 3.58< 0.001***29.98 ± 3.48< 0.001***
NDv26.23 ± 3.0626.31 ± 3.6925.90 ± 2.90
ΔNDv−Dv−4.26 ± 3.57-−5.06 ± 3.40-−4.08 ± 2.53-
Subnasale (Sn)1.08 ± 1.43a-2.05 ± 1.72b-1.30 ± 1.16a,b-
Labrale superioris (Ls)1.92 ± 1.54-2.97 ± 2.15-1.94 ± 1.37-
Stomion superioris (Stms)2.56 ± 1.59-3.48 ± 2.31-2.42 ± 1.41-
Stomion inferioris (Stmi)3.34 ± 1.69-4.27 ± 2.56-3.11 ± 1.71-
Labrale inferioris (Li)4.29 ± 1.84-5.30 ± 2.98-3.99 ± 1.81-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv26.08 ± 2.80a< 0.001***28.44 ± 3.52b< 0.001***26.16 ± 2.59a< 0.001***
NDv20.42 ± 2.6220.30 ± 3.0320.24 ± 2.49
ΔNDv−Dv−5.67 ± 4.34-−8.15 ± 4.57-−5.92 ± 3.43-
Soft tissue B point (B’)5.19 ± 2.08-5.88 ± 3.12-4.43 ± 1.91-
Soft tissue pogonion (Pog’)6.86 ± 2.67a,b-7.10 ± 3.50a-5.35 ± 2.13b-
Soft tissue menton (Me’)8.14 ± 3.22a-7.69 ± 3.69a,b-5.94 ± 2.27b-
Anteroposterior distance
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv27.55 ± 4.500.20528.07 ± 3.97< 0.001***28.40 ± 3.880.050
NDv27.97 ± 4.6429.20 ± 4.2229.01 ± 4.02
ΔNDv−Dv0.43 ± 1.81-1.13 ± 1.23-0.61 ± 1.63-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv22.10 ± 4.510.27822.59 ± 3.34< 0.001***23.19 ± 3.760.113
NDv22.36 ± 4.7723.91 ± 3.7723.60 ± 3.91
ΔNDv−Dv0.26 ± 1.28a-1.32 ± 1.13b-0.41 ± 1.37a-
Nasolabial fold (NLF)
Dv21.39 ± 5.010.05722.53 ± 3.53< 0.001***23.19 ± 4.080.008**
NDv21.84 ± 4.8424.57 ± 4.3623.80 ± 4.34
ΔNDv−Dv0.46 ± 1.26a-2.04 ± 1.81b-0.60 ± 1.16a-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv24.50 ± 5.450.12026.23 ± 4.670.001**26.97 ± 5.210.234
NDv23.89 ± 5.12a27.56 ± 5.12b26.66 ± 5.08a,b
ΔNDv−Dv−0.62 ± 2.10a-1.33 ± 2.05b-−0.32 ± 1.43a-
Dv25.17 ± 6.12a< 0.001***29.73 ± 7.28b0.36929.96 ± 6.68b< 0.001***
NDv23.55 ± 6.27a29.95 ± 7.84b28.86 ± 6.53b
ΔNDv−Dv−1.63 ± 1.67a-0.22 ± 1.31b-−1.11 ± 1.21a-
Nasal bridge to MSP0.79 ± 1.19a-2.10 ± 1.77b-1.16 ± 1.54a-
Philtrum to MSP3.67 ± 2.34-3.97 ± 3.50-3.12 ± 1.86-
Ch line to FHP3.95 ± 1.51a-2.09 ± 1.47b-2.55 ± 1.09b-
Chin midline to MSP4.90 ± 2.71a-3.04 ± 1.85b-2.55 ± 1.41b-
Nasolabial fold to MSP
Dv42.28 ± 7.98< 0.001***43.04 ± 7.05< 0.001***40.55 ± 7.29< 0.001***
NDv36.75 ± 7.3838.00 ± 6.9135.37 ± 8.57
ΔNDv−Dv−5.54 ± 5.38-−5.05 ± 4.36-−5.17 ± 5.09-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; -, not applicable..

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test..

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; significant difference at *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv..

When comparing ΔNDv−Dv of the vertical distance between the groups, the roll-dominant group exhibited significantly greater values than the other groups (P < 0.05), indicating a bigger transverse line cant of the bilateral landmarks. For the ΔNDv−Dv of transverse distance, the yaw-dominant group showed the greatest difference between the sides, although statistical significance was found only at the Al (P = 0.01). Anteroposteriorly, all ΔNDv−Dv values were significantly greater in the yaw-dominant group than in the other groups (P < 0.05), except that of the Al.

Regarding the transverse distance of midline landmarks, the pronasale (Prn) and subnasale of the yaw-dominant group significantly deviated to the Dv more than those of the roll- and translation-dominant groups (P < 0.05).

Regarding the line angulations, the Nasal bridge (N’-Prn) was significantly inclined to the Dv in the yaw-dominant group (2.10°; P < 0.05) compared with that in the other groups (roll, 0.79°; translation, 1.16°). The angulation of the Chin midline and Ch line was significantly greater in the roll-dominant group (Chin midline, 4.90°; Ch line, 3.95°; P < 0.05) than in the yaw- (Chin midline, 3.04°; Ch line, 2.09°) and translation-dominant groups (Chin midline, 2.55°; Ch line, 2.55°). Philtrum angulation was not significantly different between the groups.

Relationship between the soft tissue and skeletal/dental measurements

The ratio of Me’ deviation to the Me deviation was not significantly different between the groups (roll, 0.87; yaw, 0.84; translation, 0.87) (Table 7).

Table 7 . Comparison of the Me’ deviation ratio relative to Me deviation between the three mandibular asymmetry groups.

Me’ deviation/Me deviation0.87 ± 0.140.84 ± 0.170.87 ± 0.13

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation..

Me’, soft tissue menton; Me, menton..

No significant difference was observed between the 3 groups..

Table 8 shows the correlation between soft tissue line angulation and skeletal/dental measurements. In the roll-dominant group, the angulation of the Chin midline or Ch line was positively correlated with mandibular rolling (∠MHP to FHP; P < 0.01) and Me and MFmid deviations (P < 0.001). In addition, the bilateral difference in the vertical position of the mandibular canine or molar showed a positive correlation with the angulation of the Chin midline (mandibular canine, P < 0.01; mandibular molar, P < 0.05) or Ch line (mandibular canine, P < 0.001; mandibular molar, P < 0.01). In the yaw-dominant group, all soft tissue line angulation variables were positively correlated with Me (Nasal bridge, Philtrum, P < 0.001; Chin midline, Ch line, P < 0.01) and MFmid deviations (Nasal bridge, Chin midline, P < 0.01; Philtrum, Ch line, P < 0.001). Mandibular yawing (∠MnMSP to MSP) was also positively correlated with the Nasal bridge (P < 0.01) and Philtrum angulations (P < 0.001). In the translation-dominant group, the Nasal bridge and Chin midline angulations were positively correlated with Me and MFmid deviations (P < 0.05). Chin midline or Ch line angulation was positively correlated with bilateral differences in the vertical position of the mandibular canine and molar (P < 0.05).

Table 8 . Pearson’s correlation coefficients between line angulation of soft tissue and skeletal/dental measurements.

Nasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh lineNasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh lineNasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh line
Me deviation−0.0060.2460.791***0.728***0.574***0.727***0.560**0.547**0.405*0.3210.603***0.354
MFmid deviation0.0110.2730.751***0.709***0.599**0.696***0.582**0.612***0.426*0.2890.568**0.320
∠MHP to FHP−0.0680.2410.554**0.655***−0.2010.1430.3180.290−0.1360.0720.2820.284
∠MnMSP to MSP−0.0010.2420.2390.3250.525**0.684***0.2260.0130.2000.1130.1450.177
Dental (ΔNDv–Dv)
UM to FHP0.238−0.0740.0150.2260.168−0.2420.2300.2900.257−0.0930.0990.031
UC to FHP0.0680.281−0.0870.1150.195−0.064< 0.0010.1600.491**−0.0520.0920.166
LM to FHP0.124−0.0400.431*0.521**0.309−0.1280.1360.390*0.3550.1840.449*0.412*
LC to FHP−0.0350.1450.527**0.632***0.1210.0750.2910.3650.283−0.1130.410*0.381*

Ch, cheilion; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the nondeviated and deviated sides; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine..

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001..


To define the distinct manifestations of facial soft tissues based on each mandibular asymmetry type, the soft tissue variables were compared between the different asymmetry types. In accordance with earlier studies that mentioned that internal skeletal asymmetry was rather masked by the soft tissue,9,24 the Me’/Me deviation ratio was 0.84 to 0.87 in this study. Interestingly, the ratio was not significantly different between the asymmetry types, indicating that the internal Me deviation was masked by the soft tissue at a uniform rate, irrespective of the roll-, yaw-, or translation-dominant mandibular deviation. The other soft tissue positions assessed in three dimensions, however, were quite different according to the mandibular asymmetry type.

The roll-dominant group demonstrated greater vertical differences in the bilateral landmarks of the soft tissue than the other groups (Figures 5 and 8). Notably, the transverse lip cant was more prominent than the other groups, and the value was highly related to Me deviation as suggested in previous studies.10,19 Interestingly, in this study, the lip cant also presented a high correlation with mandibular rolling. This might be related to the depressor anguli oris muscle that is highly associated with the vertical position of the lip corner and is attached to the side of the mandibular body.25 Once the mandible rolled, the muscle might be positioned more inferior at the NDv than at the Dv, which possibly canted down the lip corner at the NDv. Hence, to correct lip line canting, the Me should be surgically moved toward the NDv sufficiently to position itself on the MSP along with sufficient mandibular rolling correction. Importantly, the transverse occlusal cant of both jaws should be completely corrected in advance to accomplish sufficient mandibular rolling. Regarding soft tissue asymmetry of the chin, the vertical position of the Subchin at the NDv was more inferior than that of the Dv, indicating that the lower chin contour of the NDv was canted down, and the angulation of the Chin midline was positively correlated with mandibular rolling. To achieve bilaterally balanced soft tissues in the chin of the roll-dominant asymmetric mandible, the mandibular rolling correction along with the lateral movement to the NDv could be emphasized repeatedly. If a certain amount of asymmetry remains after mandibular surgery even with proper rolling and positional correction, supplementary osteotomy on the inferior border of the body can be considered.26,27 Accordingly, in patients with facial asymmetry presenting with moderate-to-severe lip cant and side-to-side discrepancy of the soft tissue around the nose and chin in the vertical direction, treatment would need to focus on mandibular rolling to deal with these soft tissue deviations.

Figure 8. Color maps showing the soft tissue differences in distance between the original and mirrored images based on the midsagittal plane for each mandibular asymmetry type. The color maps were constructed using three-dimensional analysis software (Geomagic Control X; 3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC, USA). When original soft tissues were positioned out of or lateral to the mirrored images, yellow to red colors were mapped based on the distance, and pale blue to blue colors were mapped for the mirrored images relative to the original images. Line angulations that presented a significant correlation with menton (Me) deviation (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001).
Ch, cheilion.

Meanwhile, for bilateral soft tissue comparison in the yaw-dominant group, the vertical difference was lower than that in the roll-dominant group. However, the lateral deviation of the nose and lips was the greatest among the three asymmetry groups (Figures 6 and 8). In addition, the extent of mandibular yawing positively correlated with the angulations of the Nasal bridge and Philtrum. This may be attributed to the horizontally-deviated anterior body of the yaw-dominant asymmetric mandible. Previous studies revealed that a deviated nasal septum was more closely associated with the horizontal growth difference than with the vertical difference.28,29 In addition, some previous studies highlighted that nasal asymmetry correction is more important for facial esthetics than chin asymmetry.30,31 Therefore, nasal deviation should be detected with attention, particularly in patients with yaw-dominant mandibular asymmetry. If required, rhinoplasty needs to be considered during or after jaw surgery to enhance the symmetry of the face.32,33 For the anteroposterior positions, the nasal- and lip-related landmarks at the NDv are located more anteriorly than those at the Dv. This bilateral discrepancy in facial frontal projection might be due to the mandibular yaw rotation that can lead to anteroposterior positional differences between the sides.15 Therefore, to improve this asymmetry, mandibular yaw correction, including more setback movement at the NDv and less setback or advancement at the Dv, would be required during skeletal Class III jaw surgery. Particularly, this frontal projection difference at the nasal-related soft tissue landmarks may be related to nasal deviation;27 thus, subalar grafting on the depressed Dv can be considered after jaw surgery for better symmetry of the facial projection and nasal axis.12,34 In clinics, facial photographs of the modified submentovertex view at 45° may also be useful for evaluating the bilateral differences in the soft tissue projection (Figures 6 and 8). Therefore, if significant lateral deviations of the nasal- and lip-related soft tissues and bilateral differences in facial projection are observed, sufficient yaw correction of the mandible might be required in treatment planning. Thereafter, supplementary graft surgery would be considered if needed. Transverse lip cant in this group was highly correlated with Me and body deviation to the MSP, but not with mandibular yawing; thus, sufficient lateral body movement to the NDv would be required for a balanced lip line.

Patients with translation-dominant mandibular asymmetry showed differences in the vertical and transverse directions between the bilateral landmarks (Figures 7 and 8). Despite the lower Me or Me’ deviation, the translation-dominant group presented a similar or not significantly lesser transverse deviation of landmarks around the lips (Ls, Li, Stms, Stmi, and B’) compared with the other groups. Hence, lateral translation of the mandible to the Dv, might contribute to lip deviation. To fully improve the deviated soft tissues, the mandible should be moved to the NDv by bodily translation along with the lateral movement of the Go during jaw surgery.

Collectively, facial soft tissues showed different deviation patterns according to the mandibular asymmetry types. Even though the amount of hard-tissue menton deviations did not differ according to the types in this study, the facial soft tissues were quite different. Therefore, the orthognathic surgical plan, including orthodontic decompensation, should differ according to type. The roll-dominant group was closely associated with the vertical difference between the sides, and the amount of mandibular rolling presented a positive correlation with transverse lip cant. Thus, proper correction of mandibular rolling is imperative in jaw surgery accompanied by appropriate dental decompensation. By contrast, the yaw-dominant group demonstrated a large extent of soft tissue deviation, both transversely and anteroposteriorly. In particular, the extent of mandibular yawing was highly correlated with nasal and philtrum asymmetries. Therefore, sufficient lateral movement of the mandible with yaw correction is mandatory, and rhinoplasty should be considered in treatment planning. From a clinical viewpoint, the surgical plan needs to differ according to mandibular asymmetry type, although the soft tissue menton deviation is the same. The relationship between soft and hard tissue deviations evaluated in this study may be useful in establishing guidelines for appropriate tooth and jaw movements to accomplish satisfactory facial esthetics.

Although this study successfully assessed soft tissue deviations in each mandibular asymmetry type, the soft tissue changes related to hard tissue movements by treatment were not evaluated. Therefore, further investigation is needed to determine the differences in soft tissue changes after treatment between different asymmetry types.


The null hypothesis of this study was rejected.

Facial soft tissue deviations were differently demonstrated for each mandibular asymmetry type in Class III patients. Roll-dominant asymmetry predominantly exhibited vertical differences between sides, whereas yaw-dominant asymmetry was closely related to transverse and anteroposterior deviations. A complete understanding of soft tissue deviation in each mandibular asymmetry type would be valuable for achieving an esthetic and symmetrical face.


None to declare.


Conceptualization: HSP, HJK. Data curation: HJK, HKN. Formal analysis: HJK, HKN. Investigation: HJK, HKN. Methodology: HKN, HSP. Project administration: HSP. Supervision: HSP. Validation: HJK. Writing–original draft: HJK. Writing–review & editing: HJK, HKN, HSP.


No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

Fig 1.

Figure 1.A, Skeletal landmarks and cranial reference planes. B, Mandibular rolling and yawing based on the mandibular reference planes.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Cg, crista galli; Or, orbitale; Po, porion; Go, gonion; MF, mental foramen; PM, protuberance menti; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of the bilateral MF; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Mn, mandibular; Rt, right; Lt, left; Op, opisthion.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 53: 402-419https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Fig 2.

Figure 2.Skeletal and dental measurements. A, Skeletal distance and angulation. B, Dental vertical distance.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Go, gonion; MSP, midsagittal plane; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; Me, menton; UM, maxillary first molar; NDv, nondeviated side; LM, mandibular first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LC, mandibular canine; Dv, deviated side.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 53: 402-419https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Fig 3.

Figure 3.Soft tissue landmarks investigated in this study.
G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Al, nasal ala; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Sn, subnasale; Ls, labrale superius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; Ch, cheilion; Li, labrale inferius; B’, soft tissue B point; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Me, menton.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 53: 402-419https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Fig 4.

Figure 4.Soft tissue measurements. A, Vertical distance. B, Transverse distance (blue, bilateral landmarks; black, midline landmarks). C, Anteroposterior distance. D, Line angulation.
FH, Frankfort horizontal; Al, nasal ala; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Ch, cheilion; Me, menton; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; MSP, midsagittal plane; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ls, labrale superius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; Li, labrale inferius; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 53: 402-419https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Fig 5.

Figure 5.Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the yaw-dominant group (frontal and modified-submentovertex views; *P < 0.05, significantly greater difference than roll- and/or translation-dominant group).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 53: 402-419https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Fig 6.

Figure 6.Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the roll-dominant group (frontal view; *P < 0.05, significantly greater difference than yaw- and/or translation-dominant group).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 53: 402-419https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Fig 7.

Figure 7.Schematic illustration of soft tissue deviations or differences in the translation-dominant group (frontal view).
Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; Me’, soft tissue menton; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 53: 402-419https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Fig 8.

Figure 8.Color maps showing the soft tissue differences in distance between the original and mirrored images based on the midsagittal plane for each mandibular asymmetry type. The color maps were constructed using three-dimensional analysis software (Geomagic Control X; 3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC, USA). When original soft tissues were positioned out of or lateral to the mirrored images, yellow to red colors were mapped based on the distance, and pale blue to blue colors were mapped for the mirrored images relative to the original images. Line angulations that presented a significant correlation with menton (Me) deviation (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001).
Ch, cheilion.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 53: 402-419https://doi.org/10.4041/kjod23.106

Table 1 . Landmarks and reference planes used in this study.

OrThe most inferior point of the lower orbital margin
PoThe most superior point of the external auditory meatus
CgThe most superior point on the crista galli
OpThe midpoint of the posterior border of the foramen magnum
GoThe most inferior point of gonial angle on the lateral view
CdThe most superior point of the condylar head
MeThe most inferior point on the symphyseal outline
MFThe most inferior point of the mental foramen
MFmidThe midpoint of the MF of both sides
PMThe point where the curvature changes from concave to convex at the most anterior symphyseal border
UMThe central fossa of the maxillary first molar
UCThe cusp tip of the maxillary canine
LMThe central fossa of the mandibular first molar
LCThe cusp tip of the mandibular canine
Soft tissue
G’The most anterior midpoint of the forehead
N’The most posterior midpoint on the contour of the nasal root
PrnThe most anterior midpoint of the nasal tip
SnThe midpoint located at the junction of the nasal columella and upper lip
AlThe most lateral point on each nasal alar contour
AcThe most posterior point on each alar-facial groove
LsThe midpoint of the vermilion line of the upper lip
LiThe midpoint of the vermilion line of the lower lip
StmsThe most inferior midpoint of the lower border of the upper lip
StmiThe most superior midpoint of the upper border of the lower lip
NLFThe most posterior point on each nasolabial fold at the vertical level of the midpoint of Sn and Ls
ChThe most lateral point on each labial commissure
B’The most posterior midpoint on the mentolabial sulcus
Pog’The most anterior midpoint of the chin
Me’The most inferior midpoint on the lower contour of the chin
SubchinThe point on each lower contour of the chin at the 15mm lateral to Me’
MidchinThe point on each chin contour at the level of the midpoint of Ch and Subchin
Reference plane
Frankfort horizontal plane (FHP)The plane passing by Po of both sides and right Or
Midsagittal plane (MSP)The plane passing by Cg and Op, perpendicular to the FHP
Coronal planeThe plane passing by Cg, perpendicular to the FHP and MSP
Mandibular horizontal plane (MHP)The plane passing by three points, bilateral MFs and PM
Mandibular midsagittal plane (MnMSP)The plane passing by Me and MFmid, perpendicular to the MHP

Or, orbitale; Po, porion; Cg, crista galli; Op, opisthion; Go, gonion; Cd, condylion; Me, menton; MF, mental foramen; PM, protuberance menti; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; Ls, labrale superius; Li, labrale inferius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton..

Table 2 . Variables measured in this study.

Menton deviationThe distance between Me and MSP
Body lengthThe distance between Me and Go
Ramus heightThe distance between Go and Cd
Go to MSPThe distance between the Go and MSP
MFmid deviationThe distance between the MFmid and MSP
Ramus inclinationThe angle between the ramus axial line (Cd-Go) and MSP
∠MHP to FHPThe angle between the MHP and FHP (projected on the coronal plane)
∠MnMSP to MSPThe angle between the MnMSP and MSP (projected on the FHP)
Vertical distance
UM or UC to FHPThe distance between the UM or UC and FHP
LM or LC to FHPThe distance between the LM or LC and FHP
Soft tissue
Vertical distance
Al or Ac to FHPThe distance between the Al or Ac and FHP
Ch to FHPThe distance between the Ch and FHP
Subchin to FHPThe distance between the Subchin and FHP
Transverse distance
G’ or N’ to MSPThe distance between the G’ or N’ and MSP
Prn or Sn to MSPThe distance between the Prn or Sn and MSP
Al or Ac to MSPThe distance between the Al or Ac and MSP
NLF to MSPThe distance between the NLF and MSP
Ls or Li to MSPThe distance between the Ls or Li and MSP
Stms or Stmi to MSPThe distance between the Stms or Stmi and MSP
Ch to MSPThe distance between the Ch and MSP
B’, Pog’, or Me’ to MSPThe distance between the B’, Pog’, or Me’ to MSP
Anteroposterior distance
Al or Ac to coronal planeThe distance between the Al or Ac and coronal plane
NLF to coronal planeThe distance between the NLF and coronal plane
Ch to coronal planeThe distance between the Ch and coronal plane
Midchin to coronal planeThe distance between the Midchin and coronal plane
Vertical line angulation
Nasal bridge to MSPThe angle between the nasal bridge (N’-Prn) and MSP
Philtrum to MSPThe angle between the philtrum line (Sn-Ls) and MSP
Chin midline to MSPThe angle between the chin midline (Li-Me’) and MSP
Nasolabial fold to MSPThe angle between the nasolabial fold line (Ac-NLF) and MSP
Transverse line angulation
Ch line to FHPThe angle between the Ch line (Ch_NDv-Ch_Dv) and FHP

Me, menton; MSP, midsagittal plane; Go, gonion; Cd, condylion; MF, mental foramen; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; Al, nasal ala; Ac, nasal alar curvature; G’, soft tissue glabella; N’, soft tissue nasion; Prn, pronasale; Sn, subnasale; Ls, labrale superius; Li, labrale inferius; Stms, stomion superius; Stmi, stomion inferius; NLF, nasolabial fold; Ch, cheilion; B’, soft tissue B point; Pog’, soft tissue pogonion; Me’, soft tissue menton; NDv, nondeviated side; Dv, deviated side; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane..

Table 3 . Demographic characteristics and cephalometric measurements of the sample.

RollYawTranslationP value
Demographic characteristics
Male (n)192218
Female (n)11812
Age (yr)21.60 ± 2.3321.59 ± 2.1722.05 ± 3.66
Cephalometric measurements
SNA (°)80.08 ± 3.0480.66 ± 2.5281.57 ± 3.20
SNB (°)82.34 ± 3.0884.07 ± 4.5284.28 ± 3.45
ANB (°)−2.26 ± 2.03−3.40 ± 3.20−2.79 ± 2.60
FMA (°)27.88 ± 5.0327.19 ± 5.5525.28 ± 5.66

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation..

Linear-by-linear association was performed to compare the sex distribution between the groups..

No significant difference was observed between the 3 groups..

SNA, sella-nasion-point A angle; SNB, sella-nasion-point B angle; ANB, point A-nasion-point B angle; FMA, Frankfort-mandibular plane angle..

Table 4 . Comparison of skeletal measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups.

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Me deviation (mm)9.28 ± 3.06a-8.93 ± 3.80a-6.74 ± 2.13b-
Body length (mm)
Dv80.69 ± 5.260.002**80.33 ± 5.00< 0.001***80.65 ± 5.130.023*
NDv82.06 ± 5.5084.87 ± 5.4482.07 ± 5.16
ΔNDv−Dv1.37 ± 2.20a-4.54 ± 2.79b-1.42 ± 3.25a-
Ramus height (mm)
Dv65.36 ± 6.32< 0.001***68.86 ± 6.33< 0.001***68.53 ± 7.29< 0.001***
NDv73.44 ± 6.3571.02 ± 5.8071.41 ± 6.70
ΔNDv−Dv8.09 ± 3.64a-2.16 ± 2.95b-2.88 ± 2.43b-
Ramus inclination (°)
Dv1.88 ± 2.36a< 0.001***2.47 ± 2.20a,b0.001**3.45 ± 2.46b< 0.001***
NDv7.34 ± 2.64a4.77 ± 2.99b7.57 ± 3.15a
ΔNDv−Dv5.46 ± 2.89a-2.30 ± 3.41b-4.11 ± 3.73a,b-
MFmid deviation (mm)7.12 ± 2.70-6.91 ± 3.43-5.92 ± 2.03-
Go to MSP (mm)
Dv50.88 ± 4.64< 0.001***49.35 ± 3.06< 0.001***50.04 ± 3.80< 0.001***
NDv43.89 ± 4.11a46.48 ± 4.23b43.31 ± 3.60a
ΔNDv−Dv−7.00 ± 5.14a-−2.87 ± 3.67b-−6.73 ± 4.12a-
MHP to FHP (°)6.18 ± 1.24a-0.87 ± 1.28b-1.62 ± 0.94c-
MnMSP to MSP (°)1.76 ± 1.08a-8.35 ± 3.41b-2.06 ± 0.74a-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; Go, gonion; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane; -, not applicable..

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to a one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test..

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; significant difference at *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv..

Table 5 . Comparison of dental measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups.

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Dv49.75 ± 3.83< 0.001***50.18 ± 3.91< 0.001***49.24 ± 3.790.170
NDv51.70 ± 4.0351.31 ± 3.9949.62 ± 3.87
ΔNDv−Dv1.94 ± 1.58a-1.13 ± 1.37a,b-0.38 ± 1.47b-
Dv55.03 ± 3.75< 0.001***55.29 ± 4.75< 0.001***53.64 ± 4.210.060
NDv56.65 ± 3.9656.12 ± 4.6054.12 ± 4.19
ΔNDv−Dv1.62 ± 1.18a-0.83 ± 1.01b-0.48 ± 1.34b-
Dv52.22 ± 3.97< 0.001***53.20 ± 4.69< 0.001***52.34 ± 4.39< 0.001***
NDv54.68 ± 4.3454.98 ± 4.5853.41 ± 4.47
ΔNDv−Dv2.45 ± 1.15a-1.78 ± 1.30a,b-1.07 ± 1.32b-
Dv54.60 ± 4.94< 0.001***54.96 ± 5.24< 0.001***53.08 ± 4.47< 0.001***
NDv56.67 ± 5.0156.29 ± 5.1154.09 ± 4.70
ΔNDv−Dv2.07 ± 1.39a-1.32 ± 0.95a,b-1.01 ± 1.28b-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; UM, maxillary first molar; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine; -, not applicable..

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test..

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; ***significant difference at P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv..

Table 6 . Comparison of soft tissue measurements between the Dv and NDv and between the three mandibular asymmetry groups.

Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Mean ± SDP value
(between the sides)
Vertical distance
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv24.37 ± 2.85< 0.001***24.27 ± 3.00< 0.001***23.35 ± 2.670.181
NDv25.81 ± 2.7425.04 ± 3.1824.08 ± 2.55
ΔNDv−Dv1.44 ± 0.83a-0.77 ± 1.03b-0.73 ± 0.84b-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv26.67 ± 2.84< 0.001***26.81 ± 3.02< 0.001***25.77 ± 2.710.001**
NDv28.15 ± 2.7727.55 ± 3.2826.46 ± 2.49
ΔNDv−Dv1.48 ± 0.96a-0.74 ± 0.90b-0.68 ± 0.97b-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv56.41 ± 3.78< 0.001***55.94 ± 4.85< 0.001***55.14 ± 4.18< 0.001***
NDv59.65 ± 4.1957.96 ± 5.2557.21 ± 3.98
ΔNDv−Dv3.24 ± 1.32a-1.76 ± 1.23b-2.06 ± 0.88b-
Dv101.88 ± 6.53< 0.001***102.54 ± 6.60< 0.001***101.58 ± 8.17< 0.001***
NDv104.02 ± 6.89103.65 ± 6.97102.20 ± 8.10
ΔNDv−Dv2.13 ± 1.14a-1.10 ± 0.95b-0.62 ± 0.77b-
Transverse distance-
Glabella (G’)−0.14 ± 1.06-0.12 ± 1.16-−0.20 ± 1.22
Nasion (N’)0.06 ± 1.05-0.27 ± 1.03-0.11 ± 1.06-
Pronasale (Prn)0.69 ± 1.54a-1.99 ± 1.72b-0.91 ± 1.48a-
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv19.58 ± 2.02a0.037*20.86 ± 2.14b< 0.001***19.71 ± 1.78a,b< 0.001***
NDv18.46 ± 1.9017.63 ± 2.3517.93 ± 1.53
ΔNDv−Dv−1.12 ± 2.81a-−3.23 ± 2.91b-−1.78 ± 2.41a,b-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv19.87 ± 1.720.006**20.82 ± 1.86< 0.001***20.13 ± 1.79< 0.001***
NDv18.41 ± 1.7817.92 ± 2.4818.13 ± 1.26
ΔNDv−Dv−1.45 ± 2.71-−2.90 ± 2.82-−2.00 ± 2.22-
Nasolabial fold (NLF)
Dv30.49 ± 3.40< 0.001***31.37 ± 3.58< 0.001***29.98 ± 3.48< 0.001***
NDv26.23 ± 3.0626.31 ± 3.6925.90 ± 2.90
ΔNDv−Dv−4.26 ± 3.57-−5.06 ± 3.40-−4.08 ± 2.53-
Subnasale (Sn)1.08 ± 1.43a-2.05 ± 1.72b-1.30 ± 1.16a,b-
Labrale superioris (Ls)1.92 ± 1.54-2.97 ± 2.15-1.94 ± 1.37-
Stomion superioris (Stms)2.56 ± 1.59-3.48 ± 2.31-2.42 ± 1.41-
Stomion inferioris (Stmi)3.34 ± 1.69-4.27 ± 2.56-3.11 ± 1.71-
Labrale inferioris (Li)4.29 ± 1.84-5.30 ± 2.98-3.99 ± 1.81-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv26.08 ± 2.80a< 0.001***28.44 ± 3.52b< 0.001***26.16 ± 2.59a< 0.001***
NDv20.42 ± 2.6220.30 ± 3.0320.24 ± 2.49
ΔNDv−Dv−5.67 ± 4.34-−8.15 ± 4.57-−5.92 ± 3.43-
Soft tissue B point (B’)5.19 ± 2.08-5.88 ± 3.12-4.43 ± 1.91-
Soft tissue pogonion (Pog’)6.86 ± 2.67a,b-7.10 ± 3.50a-5.35 ± 2.13b-
Soft tissue menton (Me’)8.14 ± 3.22a-7.69 ± 3.69a,b-5.94 ± 2.27b-
Anteroposterior distance
Nasal alae (Al)
Dv27.55 ± 4.500.20528.07 ± 3.97< 0.001***28.40 ± 3.880.050
NDv27.97 ± 4.6429.20 ± 4.2229.01 ± 4.02
ΔNDv−Dv0.43 ± 1.81-1.13 ± 1.23-0.61 ± 1.63-
Nasal alar curvature (Ac)
Dv22.10 ± 4.510.27822.59 ± 3.34< 0.001***23.19 ± 3.760.113
NDv22.36 ± 4.7723.91 ± 3.7723.60 ± 3.91
ΔNDv−Dv0.26 ± 1.28a-1.32 ± 1.13b-0.41 ± 1.37a-
Nasolabial fold (NLF)
Dv21.39 ± 5.010.05722.53 ± 3.53< 0.001***23.19 ± 4.080.008**
NDv21.84 ± 4.8424.57 ± 4.3623.80 ± 4.34
ΔNDv−Dv0.46 ± 1.26a-2.04 ± 1.81b-0.60 ± 1.16a-
Cheilion (Ch)
Dv24.50 ± 5.450.12026.23 ± 4.670.001**26.97 ± 5.210.234
NDv23.89 ± 5.12a27.56 ± 5.12b26.66 ± 5.08a,b
ΔNDv−Dv−0.62 ± 2.10a-1.33 ± 2.05b-−0.32 ± 1.43a-
Dv25.17 ± 6.12a< 0.001***29.73 ± 7.28b0.36929.96 ± 6.68b< 0.001***
NDv23.55 ± 6.27a29.95 ± 7.84b28.86 ± 6.53b
ΔNDv−Dv−1.63 ± 1.67a-0.22 ± 1.31b-−1.11 ± 1.21a-
Nasal bridge to MSP0.79 ± 1.19a-2.10 ± 1.77b-1.16 ± 1.54a-
Philtrum to MSP3.67 ± 2.34-3.97 ± 3.50-3.12 ± 1.86-
Ch line to FHP3.95 ± 1.51a-2.09 ± 1.47b-2.55 ± 1.09b-
Chin midline to MSP4.90 ± 2.71a-3.04 ± 1.85b-2.55 ± 1.41b-
Nasolabial fold to MSP
Dv42.28 ± 7.98< 0.001***43.04 ± 7.05< 0.001***40.55 ± 7.29< 0.001***
NDv36.75 ± 7.3838.00 ± 6.9135.37 ± 8.57
ΔNDv−Dv−5.54 ± 5.38-−5.05 ± 4.36-−5.17 ± 5.09-

Dv, deviated side; NDv, nondeviated side; SD, standard deviation; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the NDv and Dv; Subchin, 15 mm lateral to Me’ on the lower chin contour; Midchin, chin point at the level of midpoint of Ch and Subchin; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; -, not applicable..

Values in the same row with no superscript are not statistically significant, and those with different superscript letters (a,b,c) are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post-hoc test..

Paired t test was performed to compare the Dv and NDv; significant difference at *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 between the Dv and NDv..

Table 7 . Comparison of the Me’ deviation ratio relative to Me deviation between the three mandibular asymmetry groups.

Me’ deviation/Me deviation0.87 ± 0.140.84 ± 0.170.87 ± 0.13

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation..

Me’, soft tissue menton; Me, menton..

No significant difference was observed between the 3 groups..

Table 8 . Pearson’s correlation coefficients between line angulation of soft tissue and skeletal/dental measurements.

Nasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh lineNasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh lineNasal bridgePhiltrumChin midlineCh line
Me deviation−0.0060.2460.791***0.728***0.574***0.727***0.560**0.547**0.405*0.3210.603***0.354
MFmid deviation0.0110.2730.751***0.709***0.599**0.696***0.582**0.612***0.426*0.2890.568**0.320
∠MHP to FHP−0.0680.2410.554**0.655***−0.2010.1430.3180.290−0.1360.0720.2820.284
∠MnMSP to MSP−0.0010.2420.2390.3250.525**0.684***0.2260.0130.2000.1130.1450.177
Dental (ΔNDv–Dv)
UM to FHP0.238−0.0740.0150.2260.168−0.2420.2300.2900.257−0.0930.0990.031
UC to FHP0.0680.281−0.0870.1150.195−0.064< 0.0010.1600.491**−0.0520.0920.166
LM to FHP0.124−0.0400.431*0.521**0.309−0.1280.1360.390*0.3550.1840.449*0.412*
LC to FHP−0.0350.1450.527**0.632***0.1210.0750.2910.3650.283−0.1130.410*0.381*

Ch, cheilion; Me, menton; MFmid, midpoint of bilateral mental foramen; MSP, midsagittal plane; MHP, mandibular horizontal plane; FHP, Frankfort horizontal plane; MnMSP, mandibular midsagittal plane; ΔNDv−Dv, difference between the nondeviated and deviated sides; UM, maxillary first molar; UC, maxillary canine; LM, mandibular first molar; LC, mandibular canine..

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001..


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